Little King of Sorrows

Little King of Sorrows Poems


Beautiful! Inside you I see! Just warming up with the A and the B.

Craving your voice, I missed you so much,

Life for me was hollow,

Color's were just a shade,

Through all I said, and all I've shown,
you must know by now your not alone.
I come and go just like a wave,
Not one to hold you like a slave.

As the winter moon reflects upon the icy river valley,
a soul searches the darkness of his own mind,
where the water of life and resource once flowed abundant,
has frozen over with the changing of the seasons.

Another clue. Or maybe two.
Steadily I followed you.
A new years wish.
A summer loss.

Could it be you?
Could it be true?

Give me the case,

At the ripe old age of 4.
She stands there at the door.
Carebear suitcase packed and ready.
Dora fruit snacks and her teddy.

The oldest child, I am of four. Without the others, I'd be no more.
They pick me up, they shove me down, they make me smile, they make me frown.
My greatest friends! I love so much. A life of hell, we've seen so much.
And through it all. It brings me pride. The bond we feel. Forever tied.

Saving my spot within your eye,
it's worth a shot, its worth the try.
Am I allowed, within your heart?
Can poetry tear this wall apart.

The clock on the wall ticky taunts me.
But what it says I cannot know for sure.
Pethaps it reminds me of how long you have been away and laughs as I sit and think of you today.
Each tick another moment spent without you.

Adoration from afar,
for a dimly lit and distant star,
I wish upon thee peace of mind,
When reason to shine is hard to find.

As other's sleep and other's wake,
I come here not to steal or take,
I come here not for same mistake,
I come for blame that I must take.

My heart is already broken! No more damage can you do!
In the symphony of madness, I sang the same to you.
But in this dueling duet of agony, who was teaching who?
This familiar song I thought I wrote, now claimed by someone new.


Perseverance was born of a long life of hardship.
Born with only one leg, which had only 4 toes, he still inched his way to whatever destination he desired no matter the distance or the time it took. For he was able to take the time to admire this rocky bottom in which few had crouched to look. And became a well published author of these things unseen.

I wish to pause...
and press rewind.
Insert the words that fled my mind.
Another chance,

One, two, three, four,
catchy rhythm I adore.
Two, four, six, eight,
I simply like to demonstrate.

Luminescence of blue, a poem or two,
hidden gem of a world, emotions are hurled.
All shapes and all sizes, all masks and disguises,
oh what a dream, smiles burst at the seam.

My hand in ascension.
"Can I have your ATTENTION! "
Poets like these.
The first point of mention.

It's me!
The dancing clown of madness.
The muse of death and sadness.

I draw a distinct line. Between Infatuation,
and dedication.
With a stick of dignity is where I leave my mark,
In the sands of poetry. Where an ocean of infinite bliss exists.

Little King of Sorrows Biography

After 4 years, Ive made my return and am preparing my ship to sail the vast and endless sea known as poemhunter. (March 2019) As I am now over 50 poems in, I guess you could say I'm becoming a 'regular'. With no end in sight. Here is to the next 50. I highly recommend these fellow poets who have inspired me. 1.Aswath Raman 2.Rabia Minhas 3.Unwritten Soul 4.Titi Dale 5.Umbrella Lady 6.Wind Song)

The Best Poem Of Little King of Sorrows


Beautiful! Inside you I see! Just warming up with the A and the B.

Craving your voice, I missed you so much,
Doubters will say, I did it for touch.
Everything you were, l carried with me,
Forever I promised, and still it can be.
Grieving my actions, I banished that guy,
Heaven's above you, so baby don't cry.

Inspiration comes calling, when I think of your grace,
Jewel songs distress me, when I think of your face.
King for a moment, enriched by your time,
Lock me in prison, if that is a crime.

Midway through poem, still much to write,
Never enough time, when I have you in sight.
Omnipresent you are, on this path that I walk,
Patiently waiting, if ever we talk.

Question my choices, but never my way,
Revealing in time, of all that I pray.
Superman went crazy, too drunken to fly,
Thunder and lightning, he fell from the sky.

Undying love, still lives in these walls,
Visits from you, still never need calls.
Whispering eternal, my first and my last,
X-ray my heart, and your doubts would be past.

Youthful endurance, will always abound,
Zion awaits us, if you choose to be found.

© 2013 L.K.Sorrows

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