Liza Sud Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Until It Has Become Open

Until it has become open
in moving our souls back -
His Immaculate Light, white,
as for an innocent child.

I Saw Wonderful Vistas Today -

I saw wonderful vistas today -
we went to movies in Latvia,
levitation for half an hour
without any problem then.

You Will Walk In My Foot Traces

You will walk in my foot traces
(I will write you in Russian better) .
We will go to other places,
But together, without resetting.


Carlson - a dream
of a male subconscious.
to be elder brother
for the younger one.

Poems- Blossoms

And if at home there is no recognition -
The Russians always are a little late.
They will come later on to comprehension,
But it is not the West that should explain.

We Were Flying More Steep,

We were flying more steep,
than on Mark Chagall's paintings.
He had houses still
that below you may see.

In Your Face I See A Success,

In your face I see a success,
in your mind - the firmness in virtue,
and if ever light in you fades -
then I believe not for a long time.

What Shall I Tell You, Your Lightness?

What shall I tell you, Your Lightness?
Sitting in a nook.
Far away from windows somewhere,
Far away from truth.

Mahler's 8 Symphony

I love the sky rides of Mahler,
You can't find such in Disneyland.
Mahler's rides are more quiet,
With many observing details.


Your spell doesn't work any longer,
you are no more - behind the glass.
not for you are my light roses,
we were coupled for a long time.

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