Loraine Lotter

Loraine Lotter Poems

If my name was Cinderella
You could be the prince
I could wear my sparkling prom dress
We could fall in love the moment our eyes meet

Is it just because we're defenceless,
or is it because we're young,
that you always use violence against us
Should hat be the way it's done?

I found love in a strange place
A place I never thought it would be
but it seemed to have proven me wrong
For love has already caught me

Chasing after you,
for time and time again
Watching all your moves,
keep asking myself when.

“Ek sal jou nooit nie vergeet.”
Dis die woorde deur Ouma gespreek.
Deur ‘n Engel se stem,
wat ons almal sal mis,

I can still hear the soft beat of the night.
the weight of the silence as we stood side by side,
the warmth of your hand as I tried to hold on,
I felt so fragile, but still played along.

Beckon me to stay tonight.
Switch off the light, flatter me with those eyes.
This is something I never thought of me,
something you never should have let me be.


Jy is my lolliepop as ek sakgeld kry,
Jy is die veld waarin my skapies wei.

Jy is die pad waarop ek daagliks ry,

Met 'n hart van goud is hy geseën
'n skitterende glimlag, verdwaalde oë.
Hoe voel dit om te lewe in 'n leuen?
Net hy sal weet.

Beneath the damage, you can see …
Lying beneath the ashes of the mess I call my life,
you see me …

You’re all alone in the darkness on the deck.
It’s a Saturday night and you’re hurt again.
So I made you laugh at me because what the heck,
love should be easy.

Raindrops fall on the grassland underneath.
I’m self-absorbed by the hunger within me.

Standing barefoot, lurking beyond the heath,

Eating away at my wellbeing,
I am strained by your absence.
In the depth of your emotion,
I can sense no more of a rapture.

Dit hang aan jou lippe,
wat binne jou hart aan die broei is.
Slaan jou stom, jou reaksie krippel,
maar tog in twyfel glo jy dit.

Pretty face, pretty heart.
Just a shame it’s ripped apart.
Such a waste, such a sham.
So the lion killed the lamb.

If you’re a leave,
dangling from a branch in Autumn,
then I’m the tree.
I know the role, there’s not much to it,

This is not the proper time
for me to lose all my nerves and play the fool again,
but you can make the stars go wild
and now you’re staring straight at me …

Don’t look as we fall,
just hold on to me and don’t let go.
Feeling the wind bite your skin,
don’t give in because we’re on our own.

Here I am, sitting at the table.
It’s been a year, don’t know how you were able
to keep me missing you all this time.

Loraine Lotter Biography

Loraine grew up in Gauteng, South Africa, where she graduated from high school in 2009. She discovered her passion for art at a very young age; writing and publishing poems through MemmoriesSa, as well as sketching and creating various short stories. It was only after graduating when she wrote her first full-length novel, entitled “My heart, his soul.” She enjoys writing young adult, fiction and romance novels, and at the same time likes trying out different genres every once in a while. “It’s good to be flexible when you’re a writer. There’s so many different things to experience in this world, and I think it’s important for any artist to sometimes take risks and think outside the box.” –L.L Even though she’s only published one novel so far, she isn’t planning on stopping any time soon. Now, as a published author at the age of 20, she’s stydying graphic and advertising design whilst continuing writing the rest of the books in the Heart and Soul saga as well as a few other different novels. “It’s something I don’t think I can ever give up now. I think, maybe I’m addicted. Ha-ha! ” –L.L / October 2011)

The Best Poem Of Loraine Lotter


If my name was Cinderella
You could be the prince
I could wear my sparkling prom dress
We could fall in love the moment our eyes meet
If my name was Cinderella

If my name was Cinderella
We could have a song
And dance in the silver moonlight
You could hold me tight and spin me in the air
If my name was Cinderella

If my name was Cinderella
You could pick me up
In your gold and diamond carriage
You could be the hero of this fairytale
And I could be the one
If my name was Cinderella

But I can't breathe, whenever you're with me.

Can you feel my heartbeat in my chest
It's getting faster every second
Time slows down, you are better than the best
But would you feel the same
If my name was Cinderella

I can't breathe
‘Cause I'm not Cinderella
Until you're here with me
I'm not Cinderella
You touch my lips
I'm not Cinderella
Then you show me with a kiss
That I'm your Cinderella

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