love poems Poems

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All I Want Is A Little Love.

They say love has no limits,
I say neither does the pain.
They say love last forever,
I say so do the dreadful memeries.

My Love

When i see you my heart goees boom boom,
When we get together its like everyone else left the room,
You say that i aint going nowhere,
i think this time you realy care,

The Perfect Guy.

I dont want another boyfriend.
I hate this dating game.
I want someone who would treat me right,
And tell me im perfect in every way.

Forced Love Is Not Healthy

How do you want me to feel?
Do you want me to be happy?
Do you want me to feel bad?
Do you want me to feel guilty?

My Life

My life is just a black whole
Where good things go bad,
Bad things go worse,
And worse things go scary.


They say love has no limits,
I say neither does the pain,
They say love last forever,
I say so do the dreadful memories,

Come And Go

Suddenly I couldnt feel the warmth of your arms holding me anymore.
I painicked.
I felt the cold crule wind of the real world blowing me awway from you.
I reached out but it was to late.


You'r everything worth living for somtimes,
you'r smile, you'r warmth,
you'r everything worth breathing for,
your company, your presence,

Is It Easier?

Is it easier not to be with you anymore?
Is it easier to forget you exist?
Is it easier to erase you from my life like a mistake that shouldnt have been?
Is it easier to just leave you alone?

Here Agian

Here you are agian,
Standing outside my frontdoor.
Here you are again,
Saying you love me once more.

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