Sylvia Chidi

Sylvia Chidi Poems

Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful

Kissing is an art, one most master
Kissing slowly is better than faster

Kiss me slowly

A marriage of two
is for love that is true

A marriage of two

Music is freedom that relentlessly exists
Freedom of speech
Freedom of thought
Freedom of creativity

So alone in my bed
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone in my thoughts
Alone standing in court

Thank you Mom
Thank you Mom

Where I come from

A bad teacher is negatively pessimistic
A good teacher is positively optimistic

A bad teacher swears all the time

He lusts for her

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
How old are you today?

So you want a piece of my
Rosy, cushy, juicy pie
I’m afraid, without romance on supply
This refined lady is not going to comply

A car is a car
If it can ride you nearby or far

A car is a car

In a lovers arms
I find my calm

In a lovers arms

When you take away a life
With the aid of a knife

It is murder

I rock and roll with passion
I talk out my soul with a passion

I eat good food with passion

I could easily foretell
You had something to tell
As you dropped a stinking bombshell

I resent
What loss represents
I resent
What great loss presents

I seek the truth in you
The weak lie is not you
So speak up, yes you

Why commit suicide?
Don’t tie yourself with a rope
With life, there is always hope
With life, there is always scope

Down to the beach
Down to the beach
On a sunny day we go

Often I marvel at Mother Nature
And its unique adventures
It has in stock for us
I have to say Mother Nature is the boss

Sylvia Chidi Biography

Thank you all for sharing poetry with me and providing me with positive encouragement. If I were a girl I'll wake up each day I'll tell myself to go and learn at school No fancy mini-skirts, No acting cool as a fool I'll play it safe with a boy Simple jokes and simple joys I’ll stand-up for only love and equality Not for some stupid momentary flattery These silly lines inspire only immorality If I were a girl I think you would understand How it feels to be constantly disrespected Treated as a feminine reject even if an intellect Thought off often as a sexual object or project I swear I’d be a much tougher woman I'll take out my dustpan, Let everyone Start slowly again from where it all began But I’m just a girl It feels like a pitiful spell To be forever taken for granted Whether I’m multi-skilled or talented If I were a girl There will be no wedding bells Until I'm completely educated as well I'll always take care of me I'll always hold onto dreams And any boy who says he loves me Will have to work with me as a team But I’m just a girl And I don’t want a life of hell I want to play with cars and not just dolls And besides a boy I always want to be an equal Copyright 2008 - Sylvia Chidi Discrimination infects Correct me if you can on this aspect But please don't disrespect my intellect In all retrospect your soft words affect The pain you set out to inject Have an absolute side effect I hear the stereotype sound effect! It is the reaction to an age or skin colour effect Discrimination infects everyone direct or indirect The words you don't say show utter disrespect Why do you allow your thoughts to misdirect? Discrimination from you is not what I expect I know my life is not obviously perfect But I am no object of social functional defect You critically judge me while standing erect I am your negative subject that you love to select Discrimination affects I am an intelligent and beautiful project But every single day, my ego is one I must protect Friends and lovers I must carefully select I constantly have to question and reflect Each day I am made the number one suspect Discrimination is one we must dissect Discrimination is one we must all eject and reject Discrimination affects everyone direct or indirect A typical conventional behaviour is what people expect Today culture is so diverse that we can all connect But what is ethnic behaviour? But what is gay behaviour? But what is disabled personality? But what is religious personality? But what is age personality and behaviour? Discrimination - who is the architect? For those that show ignorant and unintelligent neglect Inspect your morals on discrimination and learn to respect Correct me if I am incorrect Discrimination infects and affects everyone direct or indirect (2019) - Lovina Sylvia Chidi)

The Best Poem Of Sylvia Chidi


Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful

Beautiful is a romance with such abundance
Beautiful are the flowers that roam the earth
Beautiful is awaking to the sound of singing birds
Beautiful is a disguise
Playing hide and seek inside and outside
Beautiful is as naked as the rising sun
Beautiful is delightful and truthful
Beautiful is the golden daylight that shines
And the taste of sweet colored red wine
Beautiful was never ever created by mistake
Beautiful is the ingredient we bake life's cake
When all or nothing is at stake

I am beautiful
You are beautiful
We are beautiful

Beautiful is great
Beautiful is sweet
Beautiful is love
Beautiful is power

Come to me Mr. & Mrs. Beautiful
Let me into your little secret
Of why you are so obedient and dutiful

Copyright 2005 - Sylvia Chidi

Check out my bestseller Alien book from Amazon in September 2012. (Only Trees Live Forever)

All my books are available on Amazon

Sylvia Chidi Comments

Joe Hanus 27 December 2006

Sylvia, dear Sylvia, romance is the voyage; committment is the harbor. -Joe Carson City, NV

24 10 Reply
Not Long Left 05 November 2005

nice, sensual poem, am not just saying this because i am male, it read well, Vince

17 6 Reply
Vishva Pathiranage 17 February 2014

Hi are a great writer.Can you write a song for me? I'm a Singer & I would like to sing something you me by mail if you are interesting.

12 8 Reply

excellent poems. you are great in explaining your feels. i invite you to read my poem

8 6 Reply
Juan Castro 30 January 2018

Beautiful poem.

4 3 Reply
The Reaper 28 April 2019


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Hemanth 26 November 2018


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AARISHA 11 August 2018


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mr. jobe 07 March 2018

I love it

1 0 Reply
Viola 19 February 2018

I like your poem tea or coffee I am a student in foxborough school we used your curions poem for our end glistening lesson

1 0 Reply

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