M. Asim Nehal Poems

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Shores Of My Heart❤️

Between the shores of my heart
under the flowing lustrous holy river
where the white dove of wishes
floats on the chariot of stars

Tanka ~ Change

the tangerine touch
changing colors in the sky
dark black in minutes
life on earth of a person ~

Haiku ~ Nature's Joy

southern breeze gushes
spring of joy spread everywhere
two dancing flowers

Who Was That Madman?

They warned me not to meet him free
The man sitting idle under the tree
According to them, he was a fool
My curiosity overtook their warn

My friends affirm that I am an adept at cooking fish, flawlessly,
although my spouse disagrees, vehemently.

She claims I always overdo the cooking,

Winter Rains ~

When winter is on the grass dances to the tunes of dews
and the wind carries a lusty scent all around,
No melody is better than the harvest song.

The Virtual World Has Taken Over The Real World.

I long to sit quietly under the shade of a Pipal tree,
Where the heat of the sun comes in with the cold air.

By laying down on the cot and stretching my legs

To The Queen Of Tragic Love…..

She loved him
With all the passion
she was bestowed with,
surrendered her wishes

A Gentle Smile ~

The way a nurse
Looked at me
And nodded her head
With a gentle smile

To Relive Those Special Moments

Will you come with me tonight
To that old pond?
Where we sat under the moonbeam
Hand in hand and eyes locked together

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