To The Queen Of Tragic Love….. Poem by M. Asim Nehal

To The Queen Of Tragic Love…..

Rating: 4.5

She loved him
With all the passion
she was bestowed with,
surrendered her wishes
like a firefly to the darkness
she counted all the stars, twice,
in the starry night
she followed each wave
that touched the shore
yet his man never returned to her
He who promised her
To love from dawn to dusk
To change the flow of his life
To mend his ways for the sake of love
To shower all his emotions
On her smiles
To stop the time
Within her two eyes
To measure the distance of his emotion
Between her two arms
To count the years of his life
Between the two alphabets of her name
And she believed him
Undoubtedly and unconditionally
Who fooled whom it is for you to decide?
But the tragedy of this queen is certainly
Written on the sky with the stars
Pearl lying 20,000 leagues under the sea
Pain buried in broken pieces of heart
On the dried fallen leaves and the tears
I know she will never bloom
She will never rise like phoenix …
My heart will go on to knock on the door…….

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: inspire,lost love,love,love and life
Kelly Kurt 09 March 2016

A very heartfelt poem. Such things are written well by few and you are among that number

7 1 Reply
M Asim Nehal 10 March 2016

Thank u so much, Kelly, I am humbled by your appreciation, I just write what I feel for myself and others.

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Nosheen Irfan 09 March 2016

A beautiful poem on love and betrayal. You are at your best when you touch upon the theme of love. The expression throughout the poem is amazing.10 of course.

7 1 Reply
M Asim Nehal 10 March 2016

Thank u so much, Nosheen, I am not a romantic person by nature and I seldom express my true feelings to those I love and those who love me, maybe some day when they read my work they will realise the truth.

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Liza Sudina 10 March 2016

Not to look in front - but to look up high - may be to change the focus? then the false passion that seemed true - will die And you''ll feel life like a bonus! may be this could be the way out for her from this sad concentration on him?

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Shreya Hacks 02 February 2022

To my fav list.

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Shreya Hacks 02 February 2022

Outstanding poem, no words can describe the beauty with which you created this poem. AWESOME.

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Mihaela Pirjol 24 March 2016

Wow! ! ! .....this is really a powerful writing; and what makes it more spectacular, it is the fact that in a way can easily identify with the protagonist of your poem...Lovely poem!

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Darren Jkoeryo 18 March 2016

Super poem Man.....10

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Edward Kofi Louis 14 March 2016

Within her two eyes of love. Great work!

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