M. Asim Nehal Poems

Hit Title Date Added
O' Moon Tell Me....

O' Full moon tell me
The secret of your growing and shortening
And appearing at night time?

Sonnet 28 - By William Shakespeare Hindi Translation

Sonnet 28: How Can I Then Return In Happy Plight -
Poem by William Shakespeare

कैसे मै लौट आऊं प्रसन्नचित में उस दुर्दशा से

Haiku - Pure Nature

Senryu- Past Life

A Lover's Wish

You become my lover tonight
We shall play hide and seek
Under the moonbeam
You chose one star

Fourteen Lines - To My ❤️

Dear heart, do not make me restless;
And my body a burden on my soul.
I have things to do and many tasks to accomplish,
Tell me, thou lov'st me from inside,

A Lover's Plea

Why not become clouds and fall on ~
This barren land is waiting for you.

Several seeds are lying in open heart,

Early The Better ~

The shame of the eyes vanished and the blood turned white
In today's era, the relationships have become strange & unlike.

In adulterous atmosphere, how would the flowers bloom?

True Love Will Emerge From Life~

Life is a vision of my own treasure that has fallen from the sky.
I sank into a pit of love that was too steep for me to climb,
Now I regret that why did I wish for a life in human form?

Haiku Series ~ 2 Change

when wind played music
and snowflakes danced to its tune
nature's symphony

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