Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman

Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman Poems

Without sorrow life is zero
We must accept fate's arrow
If our efforts are thorough
Our sorrow, God will borrow

At age fifty no achievement
This itself is a bereavement
Why in life no advancement?
Why no reward for commitment?


My poems if you can kindly read
A happy life you can surely lead

Hope gives a strong long rope
And ties faith so as not to elope
And widely extends the scope
Using hope surely one can cope

Enthusiasm and will-power are the items
Used to overcome tiredness and fatigue
Naturally for laying a solid victory-egg
Should never appear the latter symptoms

Future is unknown
Nothing about it is shown
And so future we do not own
So confusion has grown

Worry is an invisible tumor
But it can be cured by humor
With rage let not face simmer
As others’ faces must not become dimmer

When you trust someone
You have to be careful
And also damn tactful
Or else, error is done

Protect your health by following good habits
Eliminate bad habits firmly from your life-style
Those habits that are injurious to body and mind
Must be driven away without any second-thought

Surely one day success will blossom
And spread divine fragrance in mind
By giving deep joy, it will soothe surely
Singing lullaby it will make you sleep

Computer is to me a great mystery
I have never gained over it mastery

On hope mind is depended
By courage mind is defended
By failure it is offended
By prayer it is fully mended

Working is very nice and fine
It gives a very healthy sign
The working pleasure is mine
I want to work again and again

Carefully think deeply
Analyze the repercussions
Then take a firm step
Success will be definite

How to exercise perfect moderation?
This question needs due deliberation
Just because we enjoy fine liberation
Indulge not please in over-celebration

Rebirth may be really true
In my most humble view
This concept is not new
Another birth is surely due

Poemhunter site is very vast
Poems flood the site severely
In a day too many poems come
O- God- Time is so limited

Questions may be very harsh
And may give even irritation
Still give them invitation
As wounds they may wash

Especially after Banking-nationalization
Security prevailed in every nationalized organization
The purpose was to widely serve the Nation
Of course, remarkable was Banks’ contribution

What a lovely participation!
Really an exciting one
Along with many great poets
My name is also added

Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman Biography

Letters For My Poems From- U K Prime Minister USA President Obama Australian Prime Minister Canadian Prime Minister German President Portugal Prime Minister New Zeal Land Prime Minister King of Norway Pope Benedict Swedish Academy Wife of Michael Jackson Bee Gees Musical Troupe)

The Best Poem Of Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman

Sorrow Makes One A Hero Tomorrow

Without sorrow life is zero
We must accept fate's arrow
If our efforts are thorough
Our sorrow, God will borrow

Sorrows nicely shape our mind
Sorrows stop our being blind
Via sorrows, remedies we find
Sorrows are indirectly kind

In the absence of sorrow
Our mind does not grow
We think not like a hero
Our attitude is made narrow

Sorrows must be overcome
For which efforts we welcome
At last strong we become
This is sorrows' outcome

Our will-power, sorrows increase
To our heart, sorrows supply grease
Our talents, only sorrows release
In a gist, sorrows supply peace

Every sorrow at last dies
Not because of our cries
But because our soul tries
Life and success, sorrow ties

Sorrow less person is none
Sorrow is sure, if life has begun
'Sorrow trains brains' is a slogan
Sorrow is a tamable dragon

In sorrow, all must dip
By coming under its grip
All are lashed by sorrow's whip
To every life, sorrow makes a trip

Now sorrow will somehow vanish
But you cannot fully relinquish
Further sorrows, time will furnish
From life, sorrow, none can banish

Life and sorrow are closely associated
By life, sorrow is very much fascinated
By sorrow, peace is initially confiscated
Sorrow grows when life is sophisticated.

Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman Comments

Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman Quotes

Prayer is the best remedy to overcome any tragedy as God alone is ever ready to soon end any tragedy so one can go in life safely steady!

Delay anger and stay calm to avoid being a prey as your calmness will drive away all the evils from your way to give you a wonderful day!

Face life and trace a solution to embrace peace as a calm approach always brings peace for which only all give a chase!

Never give up, but step up efforts with great pep and develop your life with due help from toil to finally win the cup!

Be bold and hold great courage that is superior to gold and bring enough hope into your fold to make success come untold!

On your path, drop uncouth sloth and take an oath to realize goals that are mammoth with a faith that all arising ups and downs, prayer will smooth to soothe!

To discourage and pluck courage, many somehow manage and cause a serious damage, but to encourage at every stage like a sage, World is at a real disadvantage!

Hatred for anyone done under the Sun cancels overall fun as everyone must stun the World to make peace happen with we all being God's dear children!

When praying is made, our dismay is conveyed, our request is by God obeyed, remedy may be delayed, but we can't be preyed in any way as we have prayed!

We can never find peace of mind if we are mentally blind and also unkind as hatred is designed to destabilize mankind!

Never get upset over Sunset as a new dawn will be soon born!

Sun is the Priest from the East who gives through light a sacred feast!

If guts is held, regrets can be felled, but if fear you hold, the disaster will be untold!

If you can't bear a defeat, then you can never achieve a feat as you will retreat from goals with no plans to repeat!

To possess success, have to hope an access and mind not producing sweats in excess!

Great goals are always tedious, but you be industrious and studious to make your future glorious!

Win never through sin as it makes scope for future thin and you will get inside the cabin of Hell when end starts to begin!

Mercy is a Divine policy as we see the Lord in it who instills in our mind courtesy and diplomacy!

Hatred leads to blood shed and sacred life is due to it dead as head with violence will spread gloom if World is by it led!

Read a lot and lead a life with no greed in mind as greed makes our heart bleed due to our monstrous need that forces us to do a bad deed!

Whenever you are upset, confidence, you don't get, peace is never met and you lose hope that is a valuable asset!

Propose by giving a rose, but the wise knows when to close the deal without breaking the nose!

Happiness can be brought, though can't be bought as the optimist has a positive thought though when success is a big naught!

If you have a doubt, go not for a bout, for the truth to be out, calmly deal, never at all shout!

Hard-work is proven method to be led for making success bud and sleep arrive in the bed!

Sleep well as that will keep you never dull, but once sleep becomes nil, your life becomes a Hell!

It is easy to be wrong and make defeats to us belong as losses happily come along if our will isn't strong!

Be busy for future to be rosy and for future to be lousy, become lazy with a lethargic policy!

Hate to create a gloomy state as hatred can operate to separate for making everyone feel desperate!

Any dad who hates his lad makes latter sad, mad and bad as great agonies to him he does add for hell to be had by feeling never glad!

Sleep is body's foundation and it give sedation to it to give proper up-gradation!

Sleep when is sound, heart gives a healthy sound and health runs around body to have a merry-go-round!

If sleep you miss, you lose bliss and good-health's kind kiss!

Toil is the only solution for avoiding confusion and stop defeat's incursion and lay a foundation for victory's erection!

Never doubt God's existence and if you suspect His presence and rule of Providence, then none on Earth can show about God any evidence!

None can rob your peace if you don't sob, but do with pleasure your job!

If you don't drop your goal, but try to top in it by working non-stop, then none on Earth can make your life a flop!

Fear when is allowed near, it cripples cheer and makes thinking never clear to make hope and peace disappear through creating perennial tear!

For peace to prevail, follow a simple life-style, kindness, you mail, prayer's power, you avail, these things make sorrow and defeat derail!

When we toil hard, we can retard the role of fate which will bombard troubles to create a hazard, but toil would have made us a wizard!

The infinite Sky makes our hopes high over God's presence though He is invisible to the eye!

An atheist is an optimist as he is feels God won't show angrily His fist!

If there is no faith in God, injustice will rule the Sod, all will take the rod, to destroy, all will happily nod!

I pray to become not a prey as to cheat me in every way, the World is trying each day!

If you can't help the beggar, don't blame his figure or to cut his bag, take a dagger!

God is my only friend who will accompany me even after my end and the best, He will lend based upon my actions' trend!

Atheism is a negative dynamism to shatter good souls' optimism through their criticism against God and His mechanism!

If you don't tell me your love now, how can I allow myself to take a vow to marry you by praying to the God-above?

He called God as a big fraud with policies not that broad though he was forgiven by the Lord!

If you budge and take a pledge to build a bridge with no grudge, one day, Heaven will kindly acknowledge as it is already brought to its knowledge!

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