O mother except you no other,
No one can fill place either,
No brother, sister or father,
Only you mother and no other,
Is step mother altogether different from real mother?
Every time this question emerges and bothers
Whether real or step mother the vacant place can’t be filled by others
It is woman who has heart to offer as kind feeler or soothers
I reflected in one of my poem
“O, mother you are one and no other”
Let whole world go mad but you never bother
We find no parallel as
Here is the incidence, very true of its kind and, has taken place in my life. In one place mother wept for me and in the second place I wept.Both has no bearing on each other but since it was between mother and son, I thought of it putting it to a general public for view.
Mother is dear and precious,
Not single but reasons various,
Bowing head with mind conscious,
World recognize and hold opinion continuous,
Thousand of thoughts emerged
In my mind when I floated
The basket into river water
I cried a lot thereafter
Inside mother
I dream a child
Some of the things seem very wild
Normal child may miss his mother today
If he or she is orphan and finds no way
To celebrate the day with all agony
We always insist and pray the almighty
Return to mother
Wednesday, April 4,2018
6: 27 AM
Mother, Only you
Saturday,24th November 2018
I think no joy on this earth can compare
Who can stop your from falling on the ground?
Are there any similarities with failures to be found?
You may find the favor and gain the corner
It is life and success has to come later or sooner
She is mother
She is maa(mother) (maasi)
always fond of good kids
happy to see it and read with kindness
Welcome, mother
Monday,25th March 2019
No parallel
My Dear Mother
I do bother
For your selfless service
With all fulfilled promises
Mother's are divine
Tuesday,21st August 2018
less cannot be written
Mother's woe
Friday,21st February 2020
"I am prepared to die"
Mother of success
Sunday,27th June 2021
Failure is the mother of success
Helpless mothers
Whole day has gone in praisng the mothers
All modern mothers
Any mother
Whether be it American, African or Indian
all mothers are human
Mother and child
saturday,4th May 2019
so lovely an idea
I remember-Mother
Thursday,10th June 2021
I remember distinctly
That is mother
Sunday,23rd September 2018
She stands exceptional
I have often written
About heaven
And hell
To feel well
If understood
Can deliver desired result
And joy is always felt
Mother- Living model
Sunday,10th May 2020
I refuse the crown
Call motherland
Tuesday,5th Oct 2021
What can be called a motherland?
I can’t think about others
But only mother
With kind and affectionate nature
I survive here
How to dedicate words in honor
That too for glorious woman and mother
It may fall short of her real size
How much we can do for her and now oblige
No exception as mother
Wednesday, February 21,2018
9: 41 PM
What is mother
Thursday,6th May 2021
To know the mother
She never complained about her
Always worked hard and bothered
Thought about our well being
But took little or no rest to bring her body at rest
My late mother
When it comes to mother
We emotionally offer
The tale of mother
It is mother's world
Where kids are feeling safe in her fold
Mother-On daughter
Sunday,12th April 2020
You had whole sky
Mother-Golden star
Monday,11th May 2020
Everybody is seized with memory
Mothers are known for their sacrifices
To bring the child with lots of promises
That is the only aim in their life time
The children are therefore attached more sometimes
No man would hesitate to lay down live?
If he really thinks of motherland and believes
What else can be holier than earth?
Everything else can be secondary even the death
Maa, that is a mother
Friday, March 9,2018
9: 20 AM
Test for mother
Wednesday, February 20,2019
11: 10 AM
I drew her near and kissed
She was so much near yet missed
She was, in fact, eye ball for my existence
I may sometimes go mad if not see her by chance
Who else can be better?
Than the real mother
Thousands of words may fail to describe
She remains at heart fully inscribed
That may remain so
As the time may pass and go
Nothing worthwhile may come
No change may take place to welcome
I have tried to learn about secrets
From mother earth and her belt
Why that bond is is strongly felt?
Why is the fragrance always smelt?
Even though very far
You are my star
I miss
Your gentle kiss