Mwenyeji Spikes Poems

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A Song In My Heart

In the shower room this morning I found a song my heart
Humming care free the melody of a song from my childhood
This far I've come the melody wasn't lost but instead became refined
In my song every fear and worry of life was soaked in and disappeared

What Will It Profit A Man?

Look around and see, from the surface everything looks as it should
What you don't know is that the divide continues to grow
The haves will get some more from those that have not
The general order of this was pre-ordained by the law they made themselves

Hearts Of Men

The hearts of men are filled with emptiness to the brim
Men will do everything to fill up the void in their heart
The treacherous schemes inside and untold desires remain
The hearts of men stand unchanged even in turbulence

The Fuel Station Downtown

Almost forgotten and uneasy to trace is the station tucked on the other side
Old tyres piled up to the top outside they tell stories of faraway journeys
A shallow trough with trash and spill of oil on the side
One of the attendants sits on a chair drifting in his deep reverie

If They Never Told You

Just because things could have been different,
It doesn't mean they'd be better in any way
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison,
And expecting the other person to die from it

Where I Want To Be

Those roads that lead to beautiful places, I want to travel on.

Those stories that give happy endings I want to listen to

Almost Certainly

Has life been with doubt and unpredictability?
It had you guessing what tomorrow might bring
Did you hope things would turn out better?
When against all hopes you still felt not enough

Revolution - African Youth

The youth are the leaders of tomorrow
On their turn they must wait, the words on their tongue they must hold
Tomorrow is their day, their future stands only in the capacity of their hope
Old men said and hoped the youth will count on it and trust in their word

Something Must Kill A Man (Death)

Mortal man, what are you so afraid of?
The loss and grief that taints all of us or death herself?
Where can you run to and hide from the ugly face of death?
Has anyone found any beauty in the thought of death?

Constant Consonance

Thick beads of sacred sweat trickle down my spine
Sacrifices we made now slowly fade away
Half way we've fallen short of what we hoped we could be

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