What Will It Profit A Man? Poem by Mwenyeji Spikes

What Will It Profit A Man?

Look around and see, from the surface everything looks as it should
What you don't know is that the divide continues to grow
The haves will get some more from those that have not
The general order of this was pre-ordained by the law they made themselves

Who will come to the rescue of the unfortunate many
Their fight against the odds is a losing one at every turn
What then shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul
To care not about the plight of another in the struggle to secure a days platter

The greed and foul dealt on the weak leaves them even weaker and desperate
The rulers of the day vowed to fight for the oppressed only to side with the agitator
Days to months as the mass wait for liberation from the powerful few that rule with a grip
The hunger for more and more power and control drives the megalomaniacs

Every one of these monsters has the urge to order irreversible change
With their quest for more is the heavy price of nature's destruction
What will it profit a man to gain the world and lose his children future posterity dream
The course of the world lays on the hands of a few and on the conscious of many

Thursday, January 5, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: life,dreams
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