Nancy Hamann

Nancy Hamann Poems

If you don’t believe that God exists then you have never languished in the bliss:
Of a child as they laughed at the silliest thing that was said.
Of the sun as it raised or a rainbow’s rays.
Of how winter leads into spring.

I was living in a world of a 20 year old girl.
Having fun and not thinking of any one.
Looking for love but finding none.
Living dangerously because I wasn’t feeling anything.

I love you with every fiber in my being even when you challenge me
I wish that I could have done more to ease your pains while you were growing


You want to be the King who rules my land then
I suggest you come up with a better plan.
You don't realize who you are playing with.

Do you see me when you look at me?
Do you see the love I hold in my eyes or only my breasts, hips and thighs?
Do you see the woman that lives within or only the outer shell I present?
Do you see what lies within my mind or only what lies between my thighs?

Here I am screwed up in the head; thinking that I did it again.
I had a perfect man right in front of me when I let those insecurities lead me into obscurity.
I questioned his motives instead of letting go of my emotions.

When I was pregnant with you, I wondered then – how did I let this happen again?
March 10,1988 is the day that you came, with your ten little fingers, ten little toes and that cute little nose.
I laughed and cried when I saw your face because I saw God’s grace.
You were with me for only a little while but oh, how you made me smile.

He whispers words so sweet in my ear, words I want to hear.
Don’t you remember the other guy in December that said he would be here forever?
I do remember but I feel he isn’t the same as the other who came my way. I feel the light in this man’s eyes like the sun in the sky. I feel his kiss so soft and tender and wish it would go on forever. I feel that he means no harm when he holds me in his arms. I feel so free when he is with me. I finally feel no fear when he is here.
I think it is a game that he plays. I think it will only bring you pain. I think you will soon discover - he is no different from the other.

Amelia Jones is a woman I know with a heart truly made of gold.

With a smile that lights up the skies and that special twinkle in her eyes.

Nancy Hamann Biography

Just started to write down the words that are in my mind. Feed back is what I want....let me know what you think.)

The Best Poem Of Nancy Hamann

God Exists

If you don’t believe that God exists then you have never languished in the bliss:
Of a child as they laughed at the silliest thing that was said.
Of the sun as it raised or a rainbow’s rays.
Of how winter leads into spring.
Of a bird as it flies on by and sings all the while.
Of the people who enter your life for reasons you do not know why.
If you can see the simple things, then you will truly know all that God has bestowed.

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