Everything provided for in the game
Equally true for the battle of the earth
All things bright and beautiful,
big and small, tall and short
I can't live free, one way or otherwise,
I'm tied permanently by my legs, hands, heart and mind,
The psychology of slavery,
I do everything willingly, happily in form of lost identity,
Beauty and ugliness everywhere
Beauty in the eyes and mind of the admirer
Ugliness in the eyes and mind of the hater
Transformational reconstruction everywhere,
The launch pad was high by the bravery of the matriarch
Certain about the arduous road she had taken
The only one that leads to the last mile
When the ululations would transcend the boundaries of Africa into the rest of the world
The battle against the force of gravity is an exercise in futility,
A win is temporary or is a fluke,
Opinionated people have constantly hit against the brick wall,
Highly intelligent boffins have designed instruments of high precision,
Slithering so smooth, soothing all edges for all people to walk on
Safely except for one who is marked upper most by the evil mind
Overwhelming green colour of the grass
With the almost invisible dull streak
I remembered the pangs of love
I remembered the pangs of lust, yes, that's right the pangs of lust
Hurting my heart through my eyes
I am in the middle of Namib Desert,
And I'm thirsty,
Besides a walk to a far distance,
I won't survive,
No one could sing like Nina
She would walk on her songs
Fast and slowly, sometimes stopped abruptly while on high tempo
Only to walk slowly her voice picking up tempo in ascending order
There comes a time when living ain’t living but waiting for an aeroplane,
To fly higher up the sky until the earth is out of sight,
Looking at the rising sun and wondering if it will ever set,
Neither interest nor having the urge to do anything to live,
Safe in my tender mind
Believing the world is a play ground
Every toy for me and all in the play
I, the king to direct the play
The sound of the story being related is audible and loud
Most people have heard it
It is prevalent like air in our midst and within us
Almost part of our lives
Teenage boys have a compulsion to be like their fathers,
They want to be in the kraal of bullfights before they can even grew up to the ticket
When they lose the fight they do not take the lessons but the baggage
Although they neglect the baggage to a point of disrespect to Gods’ creation
Africa should be the colossus of the African continent
Every branch of it should be under its wings
The visitors and settlers should be made
To feel the fluctuates of its inclement weather
Everything has come and will pass like everything before
Even the unlikely things
I, too with my precious oeuvre will perish over a number of milestones
The journey has to be taken at some other time
When? Only the stars will know what happens underneath
Only you, determine the time
It may be sooner or later
Walking tall like a giraffe
Seeing all people, second class up to fourth class
Under the shadow of the highest skyscraper
Whom I respect as my king
Beauty everywhere, near and far,
Some beauty I see with my eyes and through the brain,
Never know if I long for it or not,
Because it is yet to reveal itself with my want and patience,
It is sunset, son sat outside the shop,
A myriad of people flocking in and out of the shop,
He, looking at them forlornly,
Picking up faces of some people that dare look at him,
Living by chance not knowing where the next meal will come
By the grace of God something always came up
Grand pa’s ingenious hand would bring forth fish from the dam nearby
We would relish the unexpected delicious treat
BIOGRAPHY Niki Nicholas Nkuna was born in the Limpopo province, South Africa, at a place called Burgersfort in 1957. He attended primary school 10 kilometres from home. The primary school belonged to the Roman Catholic Mission at a place called Sibidikane. He developed interest in literature during his secondary school years, encouraged by school mates and teachers’ comments, about his English compositions which were often well written. However his interest in reading English novels, mainly classic novels, magazines and newspapers developed during his last years in primary school. Newspaper reading became a serious past time due to the volatile political situation in South Africa in the 80’s up to the early 90’s. He started working in 1981 as a teacher, at a secondary school in a place called Phiring, about 28 kilometres from his home town. He enjoyed teaching. He thought English, History and Geography. However his term as a teacher was short lived. He left teaching after a year and joined his brother in Johannesburg, who worked for a company called Blue Ribbon Bakery, a division of the Premier Milling Group. He was convinced by his brother to leave teaching because he could not understand why his younger brother who’s better educated than him should earn less than him. Reading newspapers voraciously, he became politicised and thus began to write in response to what he read in the newspaper articles. He wrote a lot of letters to the newspapers most of which were publicised. In the mid 80s, when PW Botha, the South African Apartheid Prime Minister, made the rubicon speech, which most newspaper commentators said he ‘failed to cross the rubicon, ’ apartheid laws were made stringent. That made him to stop writing to the newspapers and resorted to reading motivational books and writing quotes. He once mentioned to his colleagues that he does not see the reason why he should quote other people all the time in his writings or when he makes presentations or speeches. All these years he has been an avid reader and a writer but he never ernestly thought of writing poetry until 1989. He wrote his first poem about the death of Samora Machel, the then President of Mozambique in 1986, who was assassinated by the South African Apartheid Security Forces and died in a plane crash. That did not ignite Nick’s interest in poetry although he wrote three poems during that period. He also began to write short stories which he rarely shared with friends or family members.)
Going In And Out Empty Handed
Everything provided for in the game
Equally true for the battle of the earth
All things bright and beautiful,
big and small, tall and short
Ready for the taking
Looking up seeing the stars, bright and beautiful
Looking down seeing the earth, dressed to the nines
With all things bright and beautiful
The ugly dominated by the shadows
Only to brighten up by the bright of day
With nothing changed but very true to origin
Time to sow and reap wide like the goal posts
All roads leading to Rome in the picking
But the race measured by will and reluctance
By the vintage point some outstrip all
Amassing wealth beyond believe
Some lost the race by the fall of the candle
It is true that leadership sets the tone of the culture of an organisation because changes in the organisation are greatly influenced by leadership Nick Nkuna,10/09/08
Leadership is an endeavour to define a course of action and influencing willingness towards the achievement of that course of action's objectives' N Nkuna,03/ 09/08
Jabu Mabuza's appointment to the chairmanship of Telkom came as not a surprise to older black South Africans. They understand that he was a taxi driver not by choice but by the circumstances that prevailed at the time. Apartheid subjected him to that kind of a lifestyle. During the height of Apartheid people of Jabu's ilk could occupy professional jobs but were prevented by Apartheid legislation that did not compromise when it comes to segregation on racial lines. NN 19 Nov 2012
‘Decide on a course of action, be prepared and stay on it through winter and summer. That way, success is certain to come, ' N Nkuna,22 March 2013
‘If you can write, read and speak, you are halfway to a better life. But if you can use that to earn a living you are there.' N Nkuna
Many people are enslaved by other people's expectations of them to behave in a certain way, ' Niki Nkuna
‘We keep on avoiding the reality of the end of our lives that we even postpone planning for retirement and for any other eventuality.' Niki Nkuna
‘People will devote unrelenting diligence to the pursuit of success if the reward to be derived is happiness other than money.' Niki Nkuna
‘Some managers and leaders of organisations have the audacity to ill-treat their subordinates flagrantly, with the misguided believe that they are shielded by the imaginary veil called, position power. Instead, they are just making themselves appear insensitive, foolish and despicable.' NN 15 Jan'13
‘Give away love so that it may have meaning.' Niki Nkuna
‘Worry is wearing' N Nkuna
‘I wonder if the star will shine again as it did before the mishap, ' N Nkuna,15 April 2013
‘Missing a sport award is the worst thing that can ever happen to a sports person. A sport award is never reserved for a particular sports person. It is contested by all eligible sport persons and whoever misses it, is not guaranteed she or he will win it the next time.' N Nkuna,28 May 2012
‘The so-called underdog teams always have the proclivity to upset the apple cart. They prepare better than the stronger teams, which often become complacent and under estimate them. The underdogs prepare better due to the anxiety effect which often troubles their conscience, especially when they are to play against the so-called bigger teams.' NN 21 April 2012
A dream is a puzzle for which the dreamer is given the pieces to put together after the dream. Often the dreamer fails to complete the puzzle' N Nkuna,5 Jan 2013
'It is difficult to gauge the interest of people in new jobs, especially where money and fringe benefits are the main attraction'
The desire to serve in any endeavour, be it in a company as an employee or in politics as a member or leader, is second in terms of personal priorities. The first priority is financial gain and personal aggrandisement albeit not expressly stated.' N Nkuna 3 April 2011