Obed dela Cruz Poems

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Flush Them All Away

(I went to the comfort room and then thought of something after some hours. You may laugh if you want as you read this poem but of course, please see and understand its message. Thanks!)

Sometimes, I feel there’s something wrong in me.
In these times, I relax myself and sit.

Mga Tulang Tagalog

Mga Tagalog na tula,
Mga tulang Pilipino,
Huwag kayong mawawala
Kayo’y kailangan dito.

Nail-Pierced Hands

There are times that I cannot understand
The things that You want and the things You’ve planned.
You do some things in a mysterious way
And my eyes behold of these everyday.


Answers are not given
Because answers are found.
Answers are not profane
And answers are profound.

Plant For The Future

O how we wait the blooming season of roses.
O how great cheer that we feel as the trees flourish.
Today we enjoy our natural resources
But it seems we do not know that they may vanish.

If Earth's Tomorrow

If earth’s tomorrow exists without trees
And war promises that it will not cease,
Do you think that the stars will be favored?
Do you think this planet can be savored?

Dear Trees

O you trees whose branches are raised up high,
You whose trunks and roots can never stumble
Remain strong and very immovable.
Go, preserve your species and multiply.

Love In Disguise

You came in the form of a storm.
You washed away those huge houses
And have let mud enter this place.

My Home And Beloved Parents

For my God and parents.

There’s a place greater than Rome,
That’s the place I call my home.

I Will Be More Than What I Am

Even the storms’ blow seems so strong,
Oh I want that peace to come how I long.
Oh when shall these stormy days end
Yes, I don’t have a very strong hand

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