Dr Anthony Onoja Poems

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Paradise Never Lost

A sound heard, heart's chambers glad,
Images through gray soul windows,
Imprints of soulmate, queen of songs,
Ochanya, Ihutokum, danced in Ogriyan and Omagbae,

Go Tell The Planets

Come see the wonderful love in space and time
These harmony and tally of beauty in cold nights
They are his and he is ours, Oh! the love of our Creator
Then came down from Olive and drove us into darkness

When Is So Bad To Be True

It is all a gig
So good to be true
Like the truce of marble
it rumbles in earth and blood

Oneness In Our Togetherness

Today we come so calmly in the iron streets of life
Offering the promises our long-aged fathers made to humanity
Seed and souls are blessings from the God of creations
This we know for we bored the marks of his creation,

I Am A Human Let Me Live

Go tell them we love this part of the world
Griddle with dreadful scorns of prey
Supposed humans with humanity gone for prey
Men now kill men to hallow their gods

Voices Of Hope

Ours were willed to fate and faith
Others came as though we came
Like those fallen bricks of hope
Come let us sit and sing aloud

Free At Last

Dark and lonely is this side of life
Soon we shall not remember the freshness
On the other side of life where men are born free
What is life that we cannot let it go?

Come Let Us Hold Hands And Tell Our Tales

Can you trek from Ameju to Ideme fall?
Because I will show you around when we get home
And is a long trek to the ancestral fall
Maybe I can booboo you on my bamboo back

Tell The Unborn Generation

Emma, remember the Land where we came from
The City where men hit their chest with pride
See, they have no love for Him who made us
Who called the heavens and all its might

A Cry For Freedom

Those that ran the race but never came back
They that saw the other side of life
They that get lost in the monstrous trip to green land
That hope to see the other part of life in Hollywood

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