0077.Abhirami Andhadhi Slogan 75 Poem by rajagopal. h..

0077.Abhirami Andhadhi Slogan 75

To Defy Fate

Tamil Transliteration

Thanguvar karrpaghath tharuvin neezhalill thaayarindrii
Manguvarr mannill vazhuvaap piraviyai maalvaraiyum
Ponghuvar aazhiyum eeraezh bhuvanamum pooththa undhikk
Kongivarr poonghuzhalall thirumaeni kuriththavarae


Lady with locks of hair adorned with scented flowers!
Thy abdomen conceiving and breeding the fetus
Of monumental mountains, froathing salty oceans
And worlds seven and seven up and down!
Contemplating on thy feature
Get us shelter under Karpaga tree,
Devoid of worries Staying happily making us disappear
From earth forever free from mothers every now and then!

Simple Meaning:

Those who contemplate on the form of Abhirami whose stomach yielded big mountains, salty oceans and the fourteen worlds and who has a lock of hair with scented flowers will be gifted with the shelter of Karpaga Tree which will keep them always happy; also they will ultimately disappear from this earth without the incidence of having mothers every birth.


The karpaga tree:

It is the wish-fulfilling tree; if we go under the tree and just ask anything, it will materialize immediately.

Seven and seven worlds:

Hindu mythology defines fourteen worlds (not to be confused with planets) - seven higher worlds (heavens) and seven lower ones (hells) . (The earth is considered the lowest of the seven higher worlds.) All the worlds except the earth are used as temporary places of stay as follows: upon one's death on earth, the god of death (officially called 'Yama Dharma Raajaa' - Yama, the lord of justice) tallies the person's good/bad deeds while on earth and decides if the soul goes to heaven and/or hell, for how long, and in what capacity. Some versions of the mythology state that good and bad deeds neutralize each other and the soul therefore spends time in either a heaven or a hell, but not both, whereas according to another school of thought, the good and bad deeds don't cancel out each other. In either case, the soul acquires a body as appropriate to the worlds it enters. At the end of the soul's time in those worlds, it returns to the earth (is reborn as a life form on the earth) . It is considered that only from the earth, and only after a human life, can the soul reach supreme salvation, the state free from the cycle of birth and death and the place beyond the fourteen worlds where the eternal god lives.

So Abhirami is the mother of all these creations.

If we analyse all the slogans Abhirami Bhattar adores the beauty of my mother Abhirami. Here he describes Her stomach and the hair; in India there has always been the practice of wearing scented flowers, which normally keeps the person fresh and surcharges the surrounding.

Helen Keller (who was blind) quotes:
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched... but are felt in the heart.

Hence when we worship beauty we become immortal as wisdom is the abstract of the past, but beauty is the promise of the future

The phrase that “ those devotees who worship Abhirami shall disappear from this earth “ means they will not be born again and again thro’ a mother.

If we refer to the explanation of the fourteen worlds then the above said points will throw the obvious truth.

18 10 2008

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