15 Thousand Syrians Poem by Randy McClave

15 Thousand Syrians

You can sleep peaceful at night, the Syrians are dead
No more worries about them do you need to dread,
No more curses about them will come off your tongue
15 thousand of them, have just been hung.
Remember how you said you hated them each and all
'Keep them out of America! ', you saying this I do recall,
Unlike what you said they weren't coming here to murder or rape
From an evil government, they were just wanting to escape.
No longer will you hear them begging for you to assist
Which you never would, you just screamed and petitioned to resist,
And when they paddled their boats to land upon a distant shore
You would always shout, let that country keep the Syrian poor.
They were just seeking a better life and a helping hand
You then laughed, when from our country they were banned,
I remember every word you wrote from every sentence I read
Now God will read them all,15 thousand Syrians are dead.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: america,hate,trump
Immigrants created our great country, and everyone has a right to live free and to be free. I supported the Syrians when they left their country for a better life (life) . I have watched the news and I have read posts of our leaders and my friends and family on how they did not want anymore Syrians in our (I mean there country) . Over 15 thousand Syrians were hung a couple days ago, many more were tortured and tormented to their death. I wrote this short poem in their remembrance.
Kim Barney 08 February 2017

Wow! Randy, that is so sad! We have it so easy here, but many people have no quality of life whatsoever. A very good poem.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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