226. Just The Two Of Us 2 Poem by Jaden Knight

226. Just The Two Of Us 2

We walk through the woods together
enjoying the sun's rays shining through the leaves
my left hand holding her right
my bag hanging from my right shoulder

Strolling side by side we are almost in step
with the melodies of the birds
singing their happy songs
perched high up in the branches above

We stop in a small sun lit clearing
and I unpack my grey blanket from the bag
spread it on the twig covered ground
for us to sit on together

I unpack the food and water
offering them both to her
making sure that her needs are satisfied
before I consider my own

Both fed and watered we kneel face to
our eyes fixed on each other
we pull each other close
our mouths joining in a kiss

As our lips touch the birds change their tune
and play a fair wedding march
we can barely hear it
as we only are focused on each other

Eventually I know we'll have to leave
but want to make the most of this time
and even though we will go tonight
I hope this wonderful memory will stay

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Ging Taping 19 June 2015

Hope the two of you will have a happy ending..

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