3rd Of September Poem by ER Bron Chiong, RSW

3rd Of September

In the last quarter of 1963
a healthy baby boy was born
on this very date of that year
to a couple with 7 older children
in a southernmost peninsula

This baby grew up to be
an electrical engineer
married a lass from Bicol
fathered 3 adult kids
and now you're 59

We been reared together
in the guidance of our loving parents
but we grew up quite differently
with our own peculiar personalities
although our upbringing is similar

All of us live our own lives
had our own independent ways
of thinking and handling things
value system we think is right
in bringing up our own families

Unavoidable differences and conflicts
passed our path, still we maintain
to be one with the norms we were reared
until the issue on how we honor our parents
created a rift between us and set us apart

Today as you mature in your age
may you realize the fault you once made
referring to our dead mother in the coffin
informing us that the bond that ties us
together is gone and it will be as such

What a senseless nonsense remark
you made that very day of mom's wake
full of resentments towards our family
and unsettled issues of your youth
that led you once to disappear as a mist

Don't you grasp what that action
made us as we tried to locate you
your pictures were sent all around
newspapers and popular TV shows
were tapped to inform you're missing

As you grow older my brother
may you understand what you have done
waiting for you to admit your mistake
as we ask for forgiveness if we overlook
something you took too personal to bear

In the future, may we become once more
a family where love and forgiveness reigns
in our hearts as we practice and follow
the examples of our parents and kins
that nothing can separate us from each other

The way we love and respect one another
makes us different from the world's standard
of hatred, division, greed and selfishness
that are predominantly present in our midst
but this love will surely set us apart and free

ER Bron Chiong, RSW
3September2022 @ 13: 48
May R family B 1 in l0v!

NOTE: G0t D image fr0m D Net...tnx 2 D 0wnER ♡

3rd Of September
YO! family = l0ve + f0rgiveness
Error Success