Over by the wall,
Her photograph stares sadly at me
In the late night shadows of my lonely suburban dream
She lies forever silent now, beneath the leaves of a cold meadow, filled with ageless stones
And I, aging slowly in this wooden mausoleum of retirement
Others listen to the cicadas of passing evenings
Joyfully entwined in sexual bliss
While I lay untouched in the darkness of this blue solitude
My love gathering dust like wilted roses
In this three am world of memories
I call out in vain to the one who will never return
And to past lovers like mirages on the fading cliffs of my dream world
Descending to the unforgiving reality of isolation
My lonely destiny.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
What heart-wrenching account of loneliness engulfing the life, poignant and moody
Thank you for your kind words! My girlfriend died of cancer unexpected last September and my loneliness and grief since then inspired this poem.