.7. Childhood Poem by David Threadgold

.7. Childhood

Rating: 5.0

It was hard when I tried to think back
To remember the bad and the good
Reliving old memories I thought I’d forgot
Way back in my early childhood

My brain started sorting out data
So much how did one childhood cope?
I lived for today’s not tomorrow’s
All new days were full of fresh hope

My winters had snow covered pathways
So deep my poor frost bitten toes
With cotton wool coatings on rooftops
Where long slender icicles froze

In springtime’s the weather was milder
Like frolicking lambs we would play
Hide and seek, football or cricket
Would keep us amused through the day

By summer the sun stayed much longer
And gave off much more of its heat
Sandcastles, seaside and hotdogs
Where often a late weekend treat

Each autumn saw changes in colour
Leaves turned brown with much less green
Days got much darker by teatime
So outside no children were seen

Once again back round to winter
The rough weather fading my tan
My childhood became one year older
With seasons back where they’d began

© 2008 David Threadgold
Rambling Riddles & Rhymes

Fay Slimm 31 August 2008

Great memories of childhood, with the seasonal happenings in your neck of the woods no doubt. Beautifully felt and well versed. Ten from Fay.

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