A Beautiful Dream Poem by Hannah Davies

A Beautiful Dream

Rating: 5.0

I'm in a peaceful place
So many beautiful sights to embrace.
Walking on top of the mountain
The winding path leads me to a fountain.

The water's crystal clear
And I no longer feel any fear.
The grass is such a deep green
One of the most amazing views I have ever seen.

I lay down in amongst the small, purple flowers
It's almost like they have healing powers.
The hot sun is beaming down on my skin
The air is still, you could hear the dropping of a pin.

Looking out over the beach
Happiness is within reach.
Waves lapping against the sand
This really is a magical land.

A gentle breeze blows over my hair
As I look out over the horizon and stare.
In this place no-one can hurt me
It's a soothing place where I feel free.

There is nobody else in sight
And my spirits feel lifted and bright.
I close my eyes and smell the salty air
When I re-open them, my Baby and Auntie are standing there.

I know I can trust my Auntie Mel
To protect my Baby from the evils of hell.
She tells me not to worry
And that I have no need to be sorry.

Mel tells me she looks over me every day
Trying to help keep me safe in every way.
My Baby is laying in her arms
And I know they are safe and will come to no harm.

Then they start to float away
And I promise that we shall be re-united one day.
I wake up with a smile on my face
Cause I know my loved ones are waiting for me in that heavenly place.

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Hannah Davies

Hannah Davies

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