A Bird When caged. Poem by Nabakishore Dash

A Bird When caged.

Rating: 5.0

To me and only me
the creator gifted
a pair of wings,
muscles of flight,
double circulation
enabling me more oxygen.

My bones are light
filled with air-sacs,
instinctively I am
blessed with the ability to fly,
both low and high,
in the endless sky.

My daily flying
burns my calories,
allows me pink of health,
frees me from obesity,
I am happy ,
fully satisfied with my foraging life,
food and what the Almighty
has endowed with me,
I am highly obliged to Him.
My innate ability to build
my nest and care for my
eggs and nestlings are the
utmost I wish to remain
happy and slim.

I curse you, my dear men,
so selfish,
kept me in beautiful cages
in your palatial buildings,
deprived me of my legitimate
right of flying and joviality.
Gave me very enriched food,
neither do I relish nor
yummy for me,
I did no harm to you,
never robbed your power, privilege,
rather aided in
dispersal of seeds, grain,
scavenging the pests
and pollination.

Alas! You caught hold of me,
clipped my wings,
tied my legs,
forced me to sing,
songs of unhappiness, anguish,
I express my longing
for my natural food, freedom, and family,
your inhuman act has
increased my sufferings
in captivity,
I never cherish
to perish like this,
kindly release me,
allow me a life as I please,
the pain inside the cage
is as much as you feel in jail,
sickens me,
increases my rage,
the same life force is present
in my frame,
I have no tear glands,
gallons of tears I would have shed
to melt your unkind, hard heart
and restore my comfort.

A caged bird expresses its anguish and rage through crying.

Kindness and empathy shine in this wonderful poem! A meaningful write well.expressed and crafted. Top Marks! ! !

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Nabakishore Dash 09 May 2023

Extremely happy Mam you became the maiden reader of this poem which had no readers till now. I am becoming emotional as to how to pay my sincerest gratitude.May God bless u and your family with peace.

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