A Change In My Perspective Poem by Jim Yerman

A Change In My Perspective

There are times when I've looked in the mirror and thought
certain parts of me I'd like to undo them
but the older I get the more I realize
it's all in how I view them.

When I see how old my face looks…
I could lament my wrinkles and my scars…
or rejoice in the knowledge that I've been blessed
to have made it in life…this far.

I could lament that I wear glasses
that my vision's not crisp and clean…
or rejoice knowing with my glasses
all the beautiful things I've seen.

I've seen our children and grandchildren grow up
I've seen nature's beauty all around me
and everywhere I look
I see how my family's love surrounds me,

I could look in the mirror at my ears
and lament their enormous shape and size
or rejoice that with these ears
I have heard our babies' cries.

These ears have heard all kinds of music,
our children's and grandchildren's first words
They've heard every sound from a lion's roar
to the chirping of the birds.

Besides…when I stop and think about it…
when everything is done…and everything's been said
If I didn't have these big ears…
how would I attach my glasses to my head?

So the next time I look in the mirror
and see all my different parts that seem defective…
I'll turn around and try looking again
this time from a new perspective

Monday, March 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: encouragement,inspiration
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