A Covid 19 Poem Poem by Emily Krauss

A Covid 19 Poem

Rating: 4.8

and all alone
on this lonely planet
called Earth

Having to social distance
and isolate
from loved ones and friends
it's the hardest thing to do
during the Corona Outbreak

It's making my heart break
Into a million little pieces
Of broken shards
Of glass

and all alone
on this lonely planet
called Earth

At times I feel unnoticed
At times I feel like a statue
At times I don't know who I am
Or why I even exist

It's the hardest thing to do
On this planet we call Earth

and all alone
on this lonely planet
called Earth

it's a lonely
lonely planet
we live on
with COVID 19
all around us

Thursday, October 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: alone,virus
Sylvia Frances Chan 09 October 2021

I have reread this poem and I have come to the conclusion: please don't worry, if you have got the vaccines, you will remain healthy for the rest of your life,

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 October 2021

2) that is the doctor's great secret, because the annual injection against flu we got, is the result of the remaining flu of 1918, that was the Spanish Flu also a pandemic like

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 October 2021

3) the Corona now (Covid 19) also a pandemic. You have written a most alert poem about Covid-19, dear poetess, the same name for THE corona pandemic.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 October 2021

4) Now we have our vaccines and during the Flu Pandemic in 1918, there was no vaccines found yet, no medicines at all, during that period the doctors had tried their best to find out

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 October 2021

Cont: the best medicines to help the patients, with Covid-19 we have got the right vaccines like from Pfizer and the other vaccines.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 03 November 2021

Thank you Emily for this sensitive poem, written with much feeling....5 stars

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 03 November 2021

A touching poem that exposes a true situation. But this too will pass....

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 03 November 2021

Stranded and all alone in this planet. Covid 19 has changed everything in this world.

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 03 November 2021

I have been feeling that alienation all my life. But you have an excellent poem here Bravo!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 November 2021

CONT. are open and we may sit now in restaurants, BUT more infections occur, because we do not know how to deal with this more freedom, yesrterday the PM told us that the rules will be restricted again, but many youth are protesting. Your poem is still a touching poem to read. Tremendously.

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Emily Krauss

Emily Krauss

New Westminster
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