A Day Of Victory! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Day Of Victory!

Rating: 5.0

The day, when war has ended, is a day of victory,
Not a victory over enemy, but for the peace sure!
Only when war is brought to an end, peace comes;
Then loss and profit of war are forgotten and forgiven!

Tolerance is difficult, but giving vent to feeling is easy;
But what a great loss and grief that brings to all ever!
Reason and truth are known only after great mistakes;
But averting pitfall is wisdom that stops many turmoils!

Vehement and adamant natures drag matters endless
Without a way to find solution to problems to end fight!
Negative thoughts due to wrong advices create problems
Leading to endless wars without seeing any sign of peace!

But after every storm there will calm come like the peace
That comes after a great war reminding the futility of war
Bringing fighters to negotiation table to find a solution to
Live as friends to do a lot of goods to make world a heaven!

A Day Of Victory!
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: peace
Randhir Kaur 11 October 2016

Beautiful write...end of war and peace... Waiting for this day Sir. That's so thoughtful of you..Sir u wrote with all the frustration... Well read.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 11 October 2016

But after every storm there will calm come like the peace.. .yes, it is. A great write. Nicely presented. Thanks for sharing.

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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