A Dream Of Better Tomorrow! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Dream Of Better Tomorrow!

All natural resources are there for better utility
For the prosperity and progress of world humanity;
When this so, why are there also hunger, poverty
And unemployment ever looming large as curse here?

Two thousand years ago itself Lord Buddha has said
Human sufferings are due to attachment and greed
Seeing illnesses, old age, sufferings and death of all
And advocated non-attachment and love for all ills!

Yes, due to desire born of too much attachment and
Greed over land, gold and dames, many people suffer;
Hunger, poverty and unemployment in some nations like
Africa, India and so on horrible to see in pictures!

Exploitation of natural resources for raw material, fuel
And food sans sense of recycling them, pollution and
Corruption in all walks of life due to greedy nature of
Commercial profits have resulted in climate change.!

Climate change has brought in long drought, parched
Earth, cloud bursting rains, floods, storms, tsunamis
And all havoc perpetrating all sufferings to all to
The destruction of the only Earth as human abode...!

They all coupled with extremism, terrorism and Nuclear
Proliferation for world wars have driven the world to
Great dark abyss instead of paving the way to realize
The most cherished dreams of all of human Utopia now!

Making effective use of UNO by the joint action of all
Nations these world problems can be solved to bring
Peace, prosperity and progress to all in the only world
We all live, love and cherish dream of better tomorrow!

A Dream Of Better Tomorrow!
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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