A Dream Seller Poem by M. Asim Nehal

A Dream Seller

Rating: 4.1

I sell my dreams to the lights of the day
And wait patiently to see the results.
Some returns with honors and some for fine-tuning
Nevertheless I get encouragement to pursue more.
Like bait thrown in a river or pond to catch a fish,
I let my ideas to go and hit the target.

Luck swings like pendulum
Between success and failure
And I get inspiration to see more dreams
Results are pushed to secondary
with every single step is measured correctly
And I get compensation accordingly.

In this trade, sure will gain enough experience
that will worth more than millions and
with age and maturity I will prosper
my dreams will have many offers.

I fear the day when I am out of stock
what will happen to my day and night.
Who will buy my dreams?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dream
Liza Sudina 25 September 2015

Your dreams are not to sell. Dreams are - to become true! God takes them for Himself - their fulfillment He gives to you!

3 1 Reply
M Asim Nehal 13 November 2015

Thanks much Liza S..

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Sanjukta Nag 25 September 2015

Such an attractive title... and the poem is so alive stating the frightened heart of the dreamer. the last stanza is very heart touching..100

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M Asim Nehal 30 January 2016

Thx Much SN...

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Valsa George 23 September 2015

A very novel way of presenting your dreams! To be a trader in dreams and making profit out of it seems a flourishing business! As anyone, you also fear the day when you run out of stock of dreams! A lovely write and you get a 10 Asim!

3 1 Reply
M Asim Nehal 07 January 2016

Thanks much Madam, ...,

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Rajnish Manga 23 September 2015

I must thank you for taking up the idea of selling dreams in a new mould. Enjoyed reading the poem which sets the stage with the very first line: I sell my dreams to the lights of the day I fear the day when I am out of stock

4 1 Reply
M Asim Nehal 12 November 2015

Thx Much Sir...

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