A Lot Of Fuss About Nothing Poem by Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe)

A Lot Of Fuss About Nothing

Rating: 4.8

He's been making a lot of fuss
He's killed people in mass
It's never been his fault at all
On his parents's side is the ball

He committed crimes in his life
Far 'way from your sight killed his wife
It's not his fault at all
He thought she was for real a doll

He was once bewildered again
On short notice he shoplifted
'Was not his fault he did
He was induced by the need to gain

Humanly, he was also fright:
A young boy adviced to do right
'Wasnot his fault not to listen
It was not his thing to christen

Sins have been his daily bread
He couldn't lie on bed at night
Without beathin'in and out his dread
Not his fault: wrong's to him right!

«I did all these! »Yes, You did
«Definitely, I got nothing
But a lot of fuss about nothing»
«Not my fault: I must myself forbid'

I did all these for a reason
But your reasons are all void!
Hear this: «It's not my fault». Void!
Time to stop acting like a bison

«I made a lot of fuss about nothing.
I'm bored with beating about the bush.
It's not my fault to have done wrong things»
Come on, he's still beating about the same bush.

Really, that's a lot of fuss about nothing!
What else can I/he say or bring?
Silence is better. Let it rush!
My pen's out of ink. Hush!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: evil
Roseann Shawiak 01 February 2016

Insightful self-realization can come about when trying to live right, yet it's difficult to change without taking the blame. Very good poem, great message! ! 10+ Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Chinedu Dike 02 July 2015

Sincerely speaking, I believe that one must be able to come to terms with the potential for evil that is contained in oneself, except perhaps one has got serious psychological problems. It's a well articulated piece of poetry nicely penned with insight. A good poem with lovely rhyme scheme. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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Thanks indeed Dike... Nice comment.

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