Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe)

Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe) Poems


I was hanging out with friends
Holding hands in hands
All of a sudden, I saw an Angel
I got absent-minded for ages

The war must stay outta here,
Peace must linger in here,
Why war, why not peace,
Why 'ways desmantle,

A friendly smile
Just your friendly smile
When I think of, it makes
Me smile and afloat on the Nile

Alone he is, it all glitters
Who doubts, except unborn
Likewise, it is too alone
With no clothes worn

Oh my Gosh, it is today!
On a certain July the 2nd
It is a brilliant day
In the family is the second

He's been making a lot of fuss
He's killed people in mass
It's never been his fault at all
On his parents's side is the ball

Years ago passed without it
I was still in quest for it
I walked down several streets
In quest, I marched on feet


I am totally green:
Green is my black skin
I always think green
My thoughts are green

A star in the sky came down
After a long long vacation

The whole family went happy

What is it that Covid-19!
The World's got not one problem!
On top of that, you Covid-19!
Damn it! I strongly it condemn!

Je pense encore à ces moments-là
Enfants à la maison, nous étions las.
Nous menions une vie de précarité
Un jour sans fin était une éternité.

Remoting to way far yesterday
As kids, we were thoroughly worn out.
The living condition was drought.
An eternity was any single day.

So tender, so cute is this offspring,
The very first to be seen in Spring.
Can get it, only he that's searching.
Before her birth, my bliss was missing.

Le désordre est monnaie courante
L'anarchie bat son plein ardent
L'ordre s'étouffe grave à mourir
Oh, malheur à ses habitants!

Vivre dans notre pays nous donne des ailes
On l'aurait mentionner dans nos CVs
Pénible, je ne m'en réjouis guère.
Drôle, je ne sais quoi d'autres inventer.

D'ores et déjà, mes mains nées impavides
Tremblochent sur cette terre vide et avide.
L'histoire se joue clairement contre nous.

Seul espoir de bien faire sont mes mots.
Bien qu'ils me collent des maux au dos.
Avec moi, je les porte non avec regrets.
Épris de courage de 🐢 tortue, j'avance,

Who do you vote for, buddy?
Who can you give a vote for?
Who else but yourself and YOU?

Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe) Biography

Born on May 15 in the Democratic Republic of Congo...)

The Best Poem Of Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe)


I was hanging out with friends
Holding hands in hands
All of a sudden, I saw an Angel
I got absent-minded for ages
Staring at this seduction in nature
I could not keep the secret
To my friends I let it out
I kept on looking at the creature
My eyes turned blue by then
My heart felt a peaceful burden
A burden of eternal pure love
She was such an Angel to love
She was wearing joy and peace
I was so stunned to meet her
I turned weaker than ever
Amazingly, her name was Joyce
I was insanely dump in love with her
It was a never-forgotten moment
A way better than entertainment
She was my peace, my Angel, my Joyce...

Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe) Comments

Joseph Dela Sulh (losembe) Quotes

Every step to growth is every footprint to life, and the latter is every stride to death.

He that has got people is richer than he that has got money

When a man is born, it is not just a new book better translated to a language but also is it a new book printed

As soon as the world understands without contention that no man is an entire island, the world won't go asunder and peace will be the breath

Precedence has ever been attributed to vices rather than virtues since human consciousness hybernates.

Time past, time reclaimed

I did all I did for reasons, but the said reasons are all void

Some people are not de facto guilty since doing wrong is the only right thing they can do

Even so sins became my daily bread, consciousness breathes in and out my dread

It is nowadays very common to find a 'good' girl who does not love you for you

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