Amelie Ison Poems

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Shadows Of What Used To Be

The silhouettes are all that remain:
There is nothing left of them
But the memories that have faded over the years.
From generation to generation,

Tequila Is Better Than Tea

I may not be your cup of tea
But I am your tenth shot of tequila.
We are made to be together
One way or another.

The Crow

There is a crow that always follows me:
A master of shadow—
His dark black wings full of mystery and evil;
His cunning dots for eyes.

The Mercy Dog

I watched a dog sweep across the land where no man stands:
So delicate in his every step. He manoeuvred across it
With very little fault, and he didn't worry for the mud
That clung his feet like a monster primed to attack.

Poetry, Anyone?

-To my friends (who are not poets)

How can you not be a poet?
Let me understand:

Love Poems

A poem is someone's soul on paper:
It emits a feeling,

Perhaps of great rage or warmth or sadness—


Our silent heroes:

The animals who served us

Timeless Mortality

Man cannot surpass dying—
He cannot live past his own death.
Power fades and falls. Like the tide,

A Friend's Farewell

I know what they are doing,
As they carry me to the car—
I have thought many times upon this moment;
As I know you have too.

The Howl Of The Wolf

There is a wolf that watches over me—
I don't know if he is a friend, or if he is foe.
He watches me from afar (silently; peacefully) :
He does not mean to wish me any harm.

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