Poetry, Anyone? Poem by Amelie Ison

Poetry, Anyone?

Rating: 5.0

-To my friends (who are not poets)

How can you not be a poet?
Let me understand:
How can you not want to write?
Why don't you have a pen in your hand?

Don't get me wrong (I know
Everyone is unique) but why, why
Would you not want to be a poet
With all that it brings?

See, all my friends like such different things:
One is an artist, one likes to sew,
Another is a writer—but just not like me:
She doesn't like poetry (It's not her thing) —

And I've never forced a soul
To like the exact things I like,
But this is just a curious question:
I want to know what it's like

To not like poetry
And not want to write.
I couldn't imagine my life without these;
They're what my life's all about.

I don't know what I'd do without poetry—
My poems are pieces of my soul,
Collected together
To form a jigsaw puzzle of sorts.

Without this, I think my life would be
So dark. I wouldn't want to be
Without poetry;
It consumes my every waking thought.

So, I revisit my earlier question:
How can you not be a poet?
What's not to like?
With poetry, you'll be happy forever,

Just like me. I think.

Monday, May 27, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: joke,light poetry,poems,writing,hobbies,passion,likes,love of poetry,poet
Don't worry, this isn't 100% serious, but I was just thinking about how I could not imagine my life without poetry
Dennis Ryan 27 May 2024

Your words are flowing out of you, meaning, at least in part, I believe, that you are making your way in the direction of discovering your poetic voice, which, as I said before, is incredibly important to become a fine poet. Again, good work!

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Dennis Ryan 27 May 2024

And what ZI like best about it is that your words are starting to flow out of you, meaming

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Dennis Ryan 27 May 2024

Okay, very good again, Amelie, as you are reaching out to people in your world, writing about the peolple who count but have interests different than yours.

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