Tequila Is Better Than Tea Poem by Amelie Ison

Tequila Is Better Than Tea

I may not be your cup of tea
But I am your tenth shot of tequila.
We are made to be together
One way or another.
Peacefully or completely unhinged:
We fit together like two lost pieces
Of a jigsaw puzzle.
One way or another…
I will be your tenth shot of tequila,
Will you be mine?

Saturday, June 1, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: cute love,affinity and love,random thoughts,crazy,peace,together
Wrote this a couple of days ago. Inspired by a quote I saw on Pinterest the same as the first two lines. I decided to turn it into a poem for no apparent reason
Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

Okay, one more poem to comment on, this one as I liked your word choices — best diction I have yet seen from you, some of it borrowed, right? That's okay as poets steal all the time, Yeats, Eliot, me et al.

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

Incorporate others into you, what Pound or Eliot, don't recall which right now, called ‘a compound ghost' as we all have them, need them, in my case Oppen, Bronk, Wallace Stevens, Eliot, Pound Shakespeare, and several other poets.

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

This poem is complete as is if you wish, but, for me, it ends too quickly, the end coming too quickly based on the words, language you speak before. Poetry is spoken, right?

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

Just follow the process I outlined for you in the last poem. You see, Amelie, I too show mercy. But mercy, as you know, is not endless. Best for you to keep that in mind. Denny

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

That's a fact.50 times. This poem, I think, needs amplification

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

Hemingway rewrote the final chapter of his finest novel A Farewell To Arms 50 times to get it right

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

There are several studies, in fact, on endings. Ending poems, novels, short stories, etc. can be real tough a lot of the time, right. It can be with me—decisions, decisions.

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Dennis Ryan 05 June 2024

The book The Sense Of An Ending comes to mind, written by an English professor over your way, in Scotland, teaching at Edinborough University some years back. You can google the title to find it.

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