A Mountain And A Squirrel Poem by Allama Muhammad Iqbal

A Mountain And A Squirrel

Rating: 3.0

A mountain was saying this to a squirrel
'Commit suicide if you have self-respect

You are insignificant, still so arrogant, how strange!
You are neither wise, nor intelligent! not even shrewd!

It is strange when the insignificant pose as important!
When the stupid ones like you pose as intelligent!

You are no match in comparison with my splendor
Even the earth is low compared with my splendor

The grandeur of mine does not fall to your lot
The poor animal cannot equal the great mountain! '

On hearing this the squirrel said, 'Hold your tongue!
These are immature thoughts, expel them from your heart!

I do not care if I am not large like you!
You are not a pretty little thing like me

Everything shows the Omni-potence of God
Some large, some small, is the wisdom of God

He has created you large in the world
And He has taught me climbing large trees

You are unable to walk a single step
Only large size! What other greatness have you?

If you are large show me some of the skills I have
Show me how you break this beetle nut as I can

Nothing is useless in this world
Nothing is bad in God's creation

AbdulKAYYUM 19 September 2019

what a great poem how the written how the great philosopher and dr and poet of east and written 7 books was

1 0 Reply
M Asim Nehal 31 October 2016

A conversation worth reading and pondering. A great philosophical poem....100

7 0 Reply
Susan Williams 17 March 2016

I liked this one- - I am fond of squirrels, they're such nutty little critters and they flirt that tail of their so magnificently

20 1 Reply
Rajnish Manga 17 March 2016

Great philosophical poem unfolding the truth of life through the dialogue between 'A Mountain And A Squirrel'. Enjoyed reading it.

4 1 Reply
Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Sialkot / British India
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