A Multitude Of Memories Poem by Jim Yerman

A Multitude Of Memories

I love that we are blessed with memories…how each and every one of us…all of humankind…has this wonderful ability to store images in our minds.

It's one of the miracles of creation in a world moving ever forward…so fast we often lose track…how we were created…while moving forward…with the ability to look back.

To choose from a myriad of memories…different people, different times and different places…moments that, when remembered…put a smile on our faces.

Sometimes I wonder if our creators, anticipating in our life there would be good times as well as bad…didn't gift us with the ability to remember…for those times when we are sad.

For those times when we are grief stricken….lonely…feeling totally on our own…where we can look into our memories and know we've never been alone.

Certainly sadness, grief and sorrow are feeling we should not hide…but memory, at least for a moment, helps to push our grief aside.

Allowing us through our tears and sadness…to remember at least for a little while…when we have forgotten….what it feels like to smile.

Yes, how lucky are we to possess within us such a treasure as a heart that has been clad…with a multitude of memories we can turn to when we're sad.

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