A Pelican's Wings Poem by Jim Yerman

A Pelican's Wings

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A pod of pelicans flew by me the other morning and as I bid them au revoir…I wondered to myself if they know how graceful they all are.

Of course this is a mystery I'm likely never too unlock…but it led to a host of other questions as I continued on my walk.

Does a tree know how majestic he is…a nightingale how lovely is her song…does an octopus realize his intelligence…does an elephant know he's strong?

How does night know when to become day…how does the moon know when to rise…do clouds feel when they've been painted by the sun…do rabbits communicate with their eyes?

Does a hippopotamus know how much he weighs…do otters really know how to play…do prairie dogs actually kiss…is an owl as wise as they say?

Can the oceans comprehend their vastness…or how the sunlight turns them blue…do the waves on the tides know where they've been…or where they're going to?

Do butterflies and flowers know how beautiful they are…do flamingos know they are beguiling…do crickets have a conductor…why are dolphins always smiling?

I imagine these questions and others like them shall remain as elusive as the gracefulness of a pelican's wings…but how lucky are we as humans that we can wonder about such things.

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