A Place At The Table Poem by Jim Yerman

A Place At The Table

I remember how Dad loved to set the table…
He'd have this huge smile on his face…
How he loved when we sat down to dinner…
everyone had their own place.

And if we brought a friend to join us…
that same smile would cross his face
"It really is no problem! " he'd say,
"I'll just set another place."

He always told us how he loved dinner around the table…
when we'd laugh and love and share…
when each place was filled with family and friends
how he'd find some comfort there.

But there comes a time in every family…when the children are all grown
and they are setting tables…in houses of their own.

So it was only a matter of time…‘till we bid Dad and Mom adieu
and the family table where we grew up..was only set for two.

I wonder if that's why Dad loved the holidays so…
because he was always happiest when…
all the family filled his house
and he could set a full table again…

I remember after Mom had died…
stopping by Dad's…I was immediately stunned
to see him sitting at his table
now only set for one…

"Dad, I said why don't you eat with us tonight? " and a smile lit up his face.
"It really is no problem, " I said, "I'll just set another place."

"Wait! I have a better idea", I said, and on his face I saw pure delight…
as he smiled in anticipation…"Why don't you set our table tonight."

Dad ate with us often until he died…and many nights I was aware
when he was setting our table…how we both found comfort there.

Saturday, June 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: family,fathers
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