A Quelquesdonateurs Riches. (Translation) . Poem by Michael Walker

A Quelquesdonateurs Riches. (Translation) .

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Ce que vous me donnez, je l'accepte joyeusement,
Un peu de nourriture, une cabane et un jardin, un peu d'argent-
ceux-ci comme je rejoins mes poemes;
Le logement d'un voyageur et le petit dejeuner tandis que je voyage a travers Les Etats-
Pourquoi est-ce que j'aurais honte de posseder de tels cadeaux?
Pourquoi quand je fais de la publicite pour eux?
Car, moi, je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui ne donne rien aux hommes et
aux femmes;
Car j'accorde a n'importe quel homme ou femme l'entree a tous les dons de l'univers.

- ' To Rich Givers'. Walt Whitman(1819-1892) .

Monday, November 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
See Poem Hunter/ W. Whitman/ poems/ 344/393.
The poem is about rich men who donate money to the poet for sustenance, a hut with a garden; and lodgings when he travels through 'The States'. He asks himself why he should be ashamed to own these gifts, and to advertise for them. For his poems in 'Leaves of Grass'
bestow upon the reader 'all the gifts of the universe'. This sounds ambitious, but when I first read 'Leaves of Grass' a few years ago, I did feel that I had received gifts, as his poetry was nothing like what I had read before. It was the long, flowing lines in free verse, the delight in himself as a subject to write about, and the very length of 'Song of Myself'. A long, rambling poem that is never boring.
Kumarmani Mahakul 26 November 2018

The entrance to all the gifts of the universe is granted to man. The poem is about rich men who donate money to the poet for sustenance really expresses his nobility. Happy acceptance of little food and hut motivates mind. A great worthy poem of emotion is well penned by W. Whitman and brilliantly and beautifully translated by your kind self...10

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Michael Walker 26 November 2018

I think that these rich donors are doing a tremendous service for poetry. They know how to spend money wisely, and he is happy to accept gifts. You make a very perceptive comment.

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