A Rather Devillish Reply To Yet Another Fraudster Poem by DM W

A Rather Devillish Reply To Yet Another Fraudster

Rating: 5.0

The fraudster asked if I was a God fearing kind
Of person. I replied and told her, 'Certainly
Not, I'm in fact a Satanist! ' Such dreadful lies
I must deploy to ward off hypocrites like these:
Who constantly proclaim the name of Christ in vain,
In order to con one out of lots of hard - earned money.
This disgusting creature must think we're all insane,
And I reckon she will burn in hell alongside me!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: anger,humorous,ironic
Shaun Cronick 28 November 2020

Worthy of another reread Dominic for it is that clever and devilishly humorous. And while I'm in the laughter and guffaw neighbourhood an other five well earnt stars. Take care and thank God and sweet sonny Jesus for that British sense of humour, which still prevails throughout this trying and taxing year.

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Shaun Cronick 26 November 2020

Your poem's last line Dominic made me laugh so much and I didn't see it coming! ! A most wickedly presented and devilishly humorously well written poem, with a dash of wrath thrown in the poetry pot for good/bad measure. Five bible black Beelzebub stars and devilishly deserved. Many thanks Dominic and hang in there and simply enjoy life.

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Dominic Windram 01 December 2020

Thanks for your comments Shaun...much appreciated! I seem to receive messages on a daily basis from obvious fraudsters. I say let them keep on with it! it's great material for my poetry which I hope articualtely documents these maddening, modern times.

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