A Reality Of Ephemeral One! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Reality Of Ephemeral One!

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Reality of Ephemeral One!

Health, wealth and support of flatterers make one haughty and feel On the top of the world to the extent of believing whatever things One thinks, speaks and does are right ever and fights for the Superiority of one's sex ridiculing the other sex as inferior forever!

Such kind of chauvinistic attitude has developed hatred and rivalry Between sexes not knowing the design of Nature of each one in the World and the way to have fulfilment in life for the survival and Sustenance of species to the satisfaction of all concerned forever!

Domination on the basis of physical strength makes one not a Human being but only a beast; feeling proud on the basis of high Intellect makes one not great but an egoist; but weak on the basis Of physical status makes one not small but high by wisdom sure!

Power in some form or other makes one go by the illusion that one
Is great, but in reality one is not an Almighty but an ephemeral one!

A Reality Of Ephemeral One!
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: realisation
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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