A Song Poem by Walt Whitman

A Song

Rating: 3.0

Come, I will make the continent indissoluble;
I will make the most splendid race the sun ever yet shone upon;
I will make divine magnetic lands,
With the love of comrades,
With the life-long love of comrades.

I will plant companionship thick as trees along all the rivers of
America, and along the shores of the great lakes, and all over
the prairies;
I will make inseparable cities, with their arms about each other's
By the love of comrades,
By the manly love of comrades.

For you these, from me, O Democracy, to serve you, ma femme! 10
For you! for you, I am trilling these songs,
In the love of comrades,
In the high-towering love of comrades.

A Song
Ramesh Rai 04 January 2012


14 13 Reply
Joseph Poewhit 04 January 2010

More like a prophecy for America. Whitman embraced the feeling of the time, seeing the expansion and growth that would be America in the future. Whitman's compassion for people comes forth brilliantly.

13 10 Reply
Kevin Straw 04 January 2010

Balderdash. Highflown, windy, bladerdash. The Nazis could boast of the love of comrades.

12 10 Reply
Kevin Straw 04 January 2010

What on earth is Marina Paiae doing? She allows no comments - a sure sign of intellectual cowardice.

9 12 Reply
Jon Babineau 04 January 2012

good. but a little peculiar. formatting is different

12 8 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 30 June 2021

Powerful and wonderful write. Great thoughts to ponder about. To my Poem List.

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 25 January 2021

by the love of heart everyone can plant the merciful tree on the ground of human rules and regulation; the poem masterly crafted this poem

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Adeeb Alfateh 23 July 2019

For you these, from me, O Democracy, to serve you, ma femme! 10 For you! for you, I am trilling these songs, In the love of comrades, In the high-towering love of comrades. great write great 10+++++++++++++++++++++++

0 1 Reply
Konab Ghumman 30 June 2019

will plant companionship thick as trees along all the rivers of America, and along the shores of the great lakes, and all over the prairies; I will make inseparable cities, with their arms about each other's necks; By the love of comrades, By the manly love of comrades.

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yosexy 30 April 2018

fudge you all hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman

New York / United States
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