A Story-Poem About Jesus, Tina, And The Phoenix…. Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

A Story-Poem About Jesus, Tina, And The Phoenix….

After having read, i was shocked,
overwhelmed by the content
and text a friend showed me
it's all about Tina Turner,
The famous world's singer ever,
the sexiest gal, showing off
her everything that smells glamour,
except for her deepest sadness

she was the cutest clown i have ever seen
she showed laughter, much laughter,
while giving performance
and as all clowns, they cry in silence
some great sadness hid in her loud laughter

i am not talkative, kept my observations within me
and bought the most expensive key
to keep famous Tina inside me
each time i read news about her,
wished to move my fingers
to write a 1000-note to her

i never did, she was my living idol
i decidedto write an ardent poem about her
with the Phoenix as my subject,
Rembrandt's most famous drawing ever
the well-known Dutch painter
he sketched it on parchment
this pen-drawing we still can see
in the Rijksmuseum
the Phoenix, a mythical bird
after death, it could arise again

as you all may know the one i love most
and adore all times is Jesus Christ,
and Tina Turner too
i still adore Jesus, that never changed
and so it is with Tina

Tina's greatest secret was revealed
but i still did not know,
naive? Dunno.
Jesus, Tina, and the Phoenix
these three have one thing in common
they died and are arisen again

Jesus is the Son of God, the Lord of heaven and earth
He died on the cross and is risen again

Tina was married at a very young age
to a singer too, named Ike
they were the happiest couple
they had fame and very much success

their married life behind closed doors
was no success at all
Ike had a very nasty habit
the greatest jealousy made him beat Tina after every Tophit
though she was super strong in body and soul
but heaviest beaten almost every day
each time she arose again and in the end, she ran away
she kept herself whole in body and soul

Tina's greatest secret was revealed
but i still did not know,
naive? Dunno.

What I wanna tell you?
Tina's secret wasrevealed
i am perhaps still naive
about her secret now I know

her ex-spouse drank every day his alcohols away
their married life was no more
but his constant presence she could not ignore
so she traveled to the loveliest land far away

What i wanna say is this
despite her tragic life, she had enormous bliss
she still gained success and still had all there is

the Phoenix's most important feature, after it died, it arose again
Tina too, after she was a milliard time beaten to death
she survived her wounds and she arose again
and last but the Greatest, my beloved Lord Jesus i most adore
what can I say more?
He was hanged on the cross and died
after three days in the tomb He has risen

What i wanna tell you now is this
it's not insulting to put Jesus in a row
with the Phoenix and beautiful Tina
since I know what i am writing about

that Jesus is the Only Unique One
non-comparable, but I wanna show you all
the difference between these three
before publishing this

about that subject being dead and arisen again
with one biggest difference, Jesus has risen again
then ascended to heaven and is still living

the Phoenix in its mythical tale does not exist truly
Tina personally and as a singer is still alive
But Jesus has been dead truly dead then is risen!

Please, do understand, as most as you are able
This biggest difference
That mythical bird is not real, only alive in tales
Tina is real but as human as you and i
and Jesus the Only Son of God truly died on the cross
but had done that since mankind all over the world was lost
God sent His Only Begotten Son
So that mankind would have the connection again with Him
since Adam and Eve were expelled by Him from the Garden of Eden
God was truly sad that mankind could not be trusted
He became so furious that He chased the couple from His beloved Garden

His curse remained eternally:
women shall have pain through and through
when giving birth to her baby
mankind will be ashamed to be naked when walking
mankind must work hard for their living
and all the blessed things from the Garden ofEden
mankind have to earn them by themselves.

God loves us so much that He wishes us back again
through the cross, we can get back all that we have lost

i must confess
that to publish this story poem-manifest

i have talked to the Lord and asked His Permission
i know Him too well from the Holy Bible

i know her as the most famous singer ever

i know the Phoenix as a mythical bird
from Rembrandt's pen-drawings

I repeat once and for all
all three have died and rose again
Jesus died and is risen, ascended to heaven
and lives now in His Residence up above….

©Sylvia Frances Chan

A.D. Friday 12 Oct 2018 -
@ 11.49 hrs. A.M. West-European Time.

Friday, October 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god,jesus,poem,sing,story
i know Him too well from the Holy Bible

i know her as the most famous singer ever

i know the Phoenix as a mythical bird
from Rembrandt's pen-drawings

I repeat once and for all

all three have died and rose again
Jesus died and is risen, ascended to heaven
and lives now in His Residence up above….

©Sylvia Frances Chan

A.D. Friday 12 Oct 2018 -
@ 11.49 hrs. A.M. West-European Time.
Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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