A World In Need Poem by Jeanette Telusma

A World In Need

Rating: 5.0

We were born to desire something greater than ourselves.
As we search for it day in and day out our desire increases.
What could be that thing that our soul long for?
We touch, feel, examine, explore, and sometimes consume
That which appear to be that so called desired "thing."
At the end of the day
We conclude that it was not what we thought.
A world in need.
We are the world and we are in need.
In need of something that would fill the void,
A void that we have yet to completely understand.
What we need is right here now.
As many have come to realize
Money, material things, people, fame, status etc..
Can't satisfy the craving that lies deep down within.
Christ, the Lord, is the answer we've been searching for.
He is the missing link to the life we live.
He is the only thing, the only one that can
Bring total satisfaction to our unquenchable desire.
With Him comes love, unconditional love
That's designed to serve as glue
To bring the world together as one.
Christ desires no one to perish but have eternal life.
Love covers, love binds, Christ is love.

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: christ,world
This poem is a heartfelt thought and expression of my personal belief. Life brings one to such conclusions.
Kumarmani Mahakul 25 January 2018

Day to day we should search for greater hopes. Life has certain meaning. Christ shows us path of humanity. Satisfaction in life comes from his grace and wisdom. You have deep philosophical and greater perspectives in mind. This is an excellent poem well penned definitely....10

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Rebecca Navarre 17 January 2018

Ever Ever So Beautiful This Speaks To The Soul! ! ! ! ! Ever Such Beauty This Has To Treasure And Hold! ! ! ! ! Such Beauty, Truth, And Spirit Within! ! ! ! ! Thank You Ever So Much For Sharing This! ! ! ! ! Beyond Numbers! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! +++++

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Rajnish Manga 07 January 2018

Man's pursuit for material gains will not satisfy his yearning but only love and pure love can do that. Thanks. Money, material things, people, fame, status etc.. Can't satisfy the craving that lies deep down within. Christ desires no one to perish but have eternal life. Love covers, love binds, Christ is love.

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Jeanette Telusma 22 January 2018

Wow.... agreed, Rajnish. Amen, and thanks for your time and comment.

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