Aalingan (Embrace) Poem by Kishore Kumar Das

Aalingan (Embrace)

Rating: 5.0

Afternoon nearing end
sunset in the offing
sky obsessed with crimson tinge
Evening Goddess alighting from sky
rays of darkness about to sprinkle
I look at leaves of trees
colour changes from green
I pause to watch the celebration
colour slowly changing to black
as darkness embraces leaves
I watch the divine embrace
as twilight continues to fade
embrace becomes stronger
colour changes in geometrical progression
darkness continues to embrace me
till I feel losing my existence
what is in the molecules of darkness?
the awareness that day is over
full stop applied to day long stress
the priceless darkness
declares God's message
it is time to take rest
and rejuvenate yourself
to prepare for tomorrow's morning
I examine aalingan of darkness
more thrilling than aalingan of light
whole earth merges with darkness
I am no exception;
as I ponder over
I discover the hidden language of darkness
sky turns pitch black
not able to see myself
darkness, a natural clothing
developed by God
wrapped by Sandhya Devi (Evening Goddess)
before discovery of electric light
half of earth plunges into darkness
what darkness really symbolise?
darkness, an invitation to meditation
an opportunity for reconciliation
of day long activities
a stress-reliever
forget the day
welcome the night
recharge the battery of mind
for tomorrow morning
as I understand the intention of God
I feel delighted
at the aalingan of darkness
day is over...
stress needs to be driven out
visualize the black attire of darkness
which stress can't penetrate
aalingan gives real energy to mind
God is great.

Varsha M 12 September 2020

Very beautifully written about aalingan the true embracing Darkness no one wants but you describe it so positively. The true purpose of darkness is find my own self. Really true. Thank-you.

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Yoonoos Peerbocus 31 August 2020

l feel losing my existence...deep feeling expressed with vehemence ending God is great..

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Gajanan Mishra 31 August 2020

Colour changes to black, so true.

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