Aching Delight Poem by Prabir Gayen

Aching Delight

Rating: 3.0

Aching delight

In the heart of a poet
You are the image,
Empty with beauteous dream,
In the mind of a poet your are Love
teeming with enormous stream,
In the soul of a poet you are pain
eternal with sensual affection,
You are you beyond You,
Sweet fragrance of an elysian park.
Like floating clouds that guard
the stars,
You are the gleaming Joy
in the sky of my heart,
Unknown yet unavoidable,
Silent and the depth
of profound expression,
The glittering voice
of unspoken sight,
Eyes are like liquid Joy
of crystal delight,
Within and without You are
as pure stream of eternal dream,
Embracing life with recondite feeling
nurturing aching soul.

@prabir gayen;
17 August,2020,1: 36 AM.

Aching Delight
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
o poet me poet yeps poet 16 August 2020

those exotic eyes stare into mine is such lovely poetry PPEEEEEEEE GGeeeeeeeeeee thine you are now a poetic mine really fine further refine the world rests on shoulders thine no more now on mine I recline

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Ayan Mondal 18 August 2020

Within and without You are as pure stream of eternal dream, Embracing life with recondite feeling nurturing aching soul...! ! !

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M Asim Nehal 19 August 2020

Poet stretches it's imagination like a rubber band and it can make things exponential. You did a fantastic job by writing this poem.10+++

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Soumee Sarkar 05 October 2020

Sweet fragrance of an elysian park.

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Suresh Kumar Ek 04 September 2020

Image, dream, pain and love. nice poem

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Prabir Gayen 27 August 2020

Within and without You are as pure stream of eternal dream, Embracing life with recondite feeling..! !

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 25 August 2020

I am indebted to PG who asked me to read his his poetry went above my mental hill but I read him still He is on my list the listed future ENGLISH TAGORE we all hope ABIDE WITH ME PG WILL YE

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Prabir Gayen 24 August 2020

Within and without You are as pure stream of eternal dream, Embracing life with recondite feeling nurturing aching soul...! !

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