Admiration Of Moon Poem by mamutty CHOLA

Admiration Of Moon


Oh Moon! Your love is matchless.You live
for others and worry for others.Feeling
Sad and taking all shocks to your heart
Whenever men in their greed destroying
the mother earth.The scars of ages reflect
on your heart.

Oh Moon! Your generosity and benevolence
are unparalleled. You share moonlight, though
borrowed from sun, with all creatures on mother

Oh Moon! You are symbol of sacrifice, love.
and personification of beauty, charm grace
elegance.Despite miles away you live in our hearts.
and you are in our heart beats.

Oh Moon! You are harbinger of good news; be it
Eid or new year or full moon light for joy, bliss,
ecstasy and romance.

Oh Moon! You are not only darling of humanity but
other creatures on earth.All are in love with you.
Your arrival is awaited by all; be it lovers, poets, birds
specially falcon.You are their inspiration.

Oh Moon! You being essence of purity; many countries
in the world given you prime importance in their
national flags.

Oh Moon! Among all the admirers of yours, TAJ MAHAL
one of the seven wonders of the world await your
appearance every month.The beauty of Taj Mahal
is in full bloom during full moon night
Taj Mahal being symbol of love, lovers
from around the world visit to enjoy the
beauty of moonlit Taj Mahal with their beloveds.

Oh Moon! Your beauty is omnipresence
and heart beat of trillion around the world.

Oh Moon! We know you are very worried with
the advent of men on Moon since you have a
genuine fear that once men settle on Moon they
will destroy the beauty of moon as they have,
in their greed, destroying the mother earth.

Oh God! men being supreme creation of all
the creations of nature, must protect mother
earth for next generation. since we do not
own the earth, we are just a trustee! !

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