After Christmas List Poem by Jim Yerman

After Christmas List

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When I was young I'd start my Christmas list well in advance of Christmas Day
Because often I would change my mind before sending my list Santa's way.

My list was long and specific…I wanted Santa to be clear
about all the thing I wanted on Christmas Day that year.

But as I grew a little older my way of thinking took a twist…
Now I wait until after Christmas before I make my list.

Yes, when I was young on my list was every item I wanted Santa to address….
Now, when Christmas is over I make a list of all the ways I have been blessed.

The first items on my list are always my wife, my family…my friends…
From here I keep on writing as the list never seems to end.

I have a house, a car, clothes, food to eat and anything I want to drink…
I can sing, and dance, and laugh and play…I have the ability to think.

I can see, hear, touch, taste, smell…
enjoy the sun, the moon the stars and the clouds in the sky above…
I can get excited, be surprised…I can smile..I can love.

I can travel across the Earth…I have the ability to understand the beauty of the mountains…the forests…or a walk along the sand.

I can experience the wonder of the flowers…the trees…I can even put into words
how I feel about the elephants, the dolphins…the dogs, the cats…the birds.

I can hold hands, hug, I can kiss and can be kissed…
Why I even have the ability to make an after-Christmas list.

A list I'm happy to revisit each year because what's new to it…I never know…
Because, as another year has passed, it's a list that continues to grow.

‘Dear Santa'…is how I end my after-Christmas list each year
‘Although I no longer send my list to you…
I'd like to thank you for all those gifts you delivered
that helped make all my dreams come true.

David Wood 29 December 2022

Nice one……

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