Am I Looking For Something With You I'Ll Never Have? ? Poem by Emma Woods

Am I Looking For Something With You I'Ll Never Have? ?

Will you be smiling while I'm weeping?
What can I do to make you happy?
Are you smiling while I'm hurting?
Were you dancing while I waited for you?
Will it always be just a dream?
Will you be my beloved?
Will you break me?
Will you make me?

I can now answer these questions with confidence as the person of whom this poem is about did break my heart and I can now say yes she smiled while I wept, I wasn't able to meet her satisfactions, she was smiling while I hurt, she was dancing while I waited, everything I need was just a dream, she could never be my beloved as she can not devote herself, and above all she broke me so why do I still miss her? ?

Andy Wood 28 October 2008

I love this poem! I can totally relate to it, it is simple and truthful and beautiful - what a great poem is all about.

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Bob Gibson 12 September 2008

So many questions! but you answered them all your love for her is great, but your rewards very small you learnt your lesson, but please i beg a heart such as yours is easily led take care my young friernd

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Anna jonson 06 September 2008

waaaaaaaaw why should you miss her? a good statement if someone doesn; t care about you you must not care, love and miss them too good poem

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Anong All 12 August 2008

I've found with relationships, well most of them, there are huge gaps in communications, and because of these, they break up loved ones for reasons that may never were. Just one of my thoughts about your poem.. thanks for sharing, and have a good day

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