Am I Unforgivingly Unjust? Poem by Nikhil Parekh

Am I Unforgivingly Unjust?

Am I uncouthly unjust in asking the Omnipotently golden Sun; to grant me a
just a single of its optimistic ray; that would brilliantly illuminate the chapters of my dolorously decaying life?

Am I brutally unjust in asking the fathomlessly frosty ocean; to grant me just a single of its poignantly tangy wave; that would enchantingly rejuvenate my hedonistically tyrannized and monotonously prejudiced senses?

Am I acrimoniously unjust in asking the impregnably boundless mountain; to
grant me just a single of its compassionate cave; that would enable me to
sequester my uncontrollably slavering form; from the cold-bloodedly freezing

Am I ominously unjust in asking the mystically limitless forest; to grant me
just a single of its tantalizingly voluptuous whisper; that would wholesomely liberate me from my apocalypses of lividly dastardly nervousness?

Am I truculently unjust in asking the astoundingly vivacious rainbow; to grant me just a single of its effulgently glistening band; that would blissfully embellish my disastrously stagnated life with unstoppably unparalleled enlightenment?

Am I horrifically unjust in asking the ebulliently victorious rose; to grant me just a single pinch of its blessedly charismatic fragrance; that would drift me far away from the world of abominably fretful sin; into a heaven of unshakably silken togetherness?

Am I preposterously unjust in asking the torrentially showering clouds; to grant me just a single droplet of celestially mollifying rain; that would perennially placate the intransigently sadistic scorching in the realms of my impoverished throat?

Am I murderously unjust in asking the unbelievably mellifluous nightingale; to grant me just a single of its eternally symbiotic tune; that would splendidly ameliorate me from my corpses of treacherous desperation; to benevolently blossom in my truncated life?

Am I turgidly unjust in asking the majestically unsurpassable Moon; to grant me just a single of its marvelously pearly beam; that would handsomely engulf my every parasitically beleaguered night with caverns of jubilant ecstasy?

Am I scurrilously unjust in asking the gigantically unceasing atmosphere; to
grant me just a single of its exuberantly effervescent wind; that would make me devotedly gallop towards the aisles of uninhibitedly regale freedom?

Am I unfathomably unjust in asking the tirelessly pristine waterfalls; to grant me just a single of their magically sensuous stream; that would amazingly metamorphose even the most infinitesimal bit of abhorrence in my blood into a paradise of symbiotically everlasting freshness?

Am I salaciously unjust in asking the inexhaustibly effervescent ensemble of soil; to grant just a single of its truthfully sacred particle; that would immortalize the egregiously corrupt fabric of my existence with a sky of Omnipresent righteousness?

Am I flagrantly unjust in asking the boundlessly untainted meadow; to grant me just a single whisker of its gloriously unequivocal frolic; that would transit my manipulatively decrepit countenance into realms of impeccably princely childhood?

Am I heinously unjust in asking the timelessly unflinching battlefield; to grant me just a single iota of its peerlessly invincible patriotism; that would instill in me the fortitude to face the ignominiously diabolical and bad?

Am I lividly unjust in asking the fruits of perpetual Mother Nature; to grant me just a single trifle of their burgeoning enthusiasm; that would forever squelch the insect of dastardly laggardness in every despicably evaporating bone of my silhouette?

Am I indiscriminately unjust in asking the supremely venerated cow; to grant me just a single cuplet of its miraculously fructifying milk; that would embody in my frenetically extinguishing form; the Herculean tenacity to stand unperturbed even in the most devilishly unsparing of maelstroms?

Am I venomously unjust in asking the unendingly emollient festoon of air; to
grant me just a single puff of its quintessentially vital exhilaration; that would transform me from a cadaverously ostracizing mortuary into a breath of victoriously exultating life?

Am I invidiously unjust in asking the Omnisciently Almighty Lord; to grant me just a single chance of his paradise of infinite chances; which would provide me an opportunity to disseminate benign goodness till the very end of my time; and thus reverse every of my inadvertently committed sin?

And am I unforgivingly unjust in asking the countless billion rhythms of your unassailable heart O! Beloved; to grant me just a single immortal beat; that would coalesce me forever and forever and ever with the religion of unbreakable humanity; that would make me feel forever and ever and ever the most pricelessly gifted organism alive?

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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